trees don't get rendered


16-06-2009 15:33:24

Hey all,

my Application compiles nice and runs, bud there are no trees. I can run and compile the examples and there the trees get rendered as expected. I tested my own tree in the example applications and it get rendered. When I run my application everything bud the trees get displayed.

here is the code:
the initialize part:
m_trees = new PagedGeometry();
m_trees->setCamera(m_camera); //Set the camera so PagedGeometry knows how to calculate LODs
m_trees->setPageSize(80); //Set the size of each page of geometry
m_trees->setInfinite(); //Use infinite paging mode
m_trees->addDetailLevel<BatchPage>(150, 50); //Use batches up to 150 units away, and fade for 30 more units
m_trees->addDetailLevel<ImpostorPage>(500, 50); //Use impostors up to 400 units, and for for 50 more units

//Create a new TreeLoader3D object
TreeLoader3D *treeLoader = new TreeLoader3D(m_trees, TBounds(0, 1000000, 15000, 1000000));
m_trees->setPageLoader(treeLoader); //Assign the "treeLoader" to be used to load geometry for the PagedGeometry instance

//Load a tree entity
Entity *myEntity = m_sceneMgr->createEntity("Tree", "fir06_30.mesh");

//Setup the height function (so the Y values of trees can be calculated when they are placed on the terrain)

//Randomly place 20,000 copies of the tree on the terrain
Vector3 position;
Radian yaw;
Real scale;
for (int i = 0; i < 200000; i++){
yaw = Degree(Math::RangeRandom(0, 360));

position.x = -(Math::RangeRandom(0, 500000));
position.y = 15000; //Math::RangeRandom(1000000, 0);
position.z = -(Math::RangeRandom(0, 500000));//HeightFunction::getTerrainHeight(position.x, position.z);

scale = 1000;//Math::RangeRandom(0.5f, 0.6f);

treeLoader->addTree(myEntity, position, yaw, scale);

I changed the game loop like in the example:

void OgreApplication::run(void)

//Render loop
running = true;
//Handle windows events

//Update frame

//Exit immediately if the window is closed
if (m_window->isClosed())

// clean up

void OgreApplication::render(){
//[NOTE] PagedGeometry::update() is called every frame to keep LODs, etc. up-to-date

//Render the scene with Ogre

I'm obviously missing something can someone please tell me what it is?


16-06-2009 22:27:42

Maybe i'm missing something but it seems that you are placing your trees in a height of 15000 !

Normally in ogre the y coordinate is the height and not z !


16-06-2009 22:54:07

this is correct I first will see them :D , then I set the position correctly and 15000 isn't that high in my model(All a question of scale).


18-06-2009 11:12:12

no tips or common pitfalls by adding Paged Geometry to a project? Or what is the common way to integrate this plugin?

hope for some answers.

greetings mosta


29-06-2009 11:11:43

no tips or common pitfalls by adding Paged Geometry to a project? Or what is the common way to integrate this plugin?

hope for some answers.

greetings mosta

look at the example code. The most common pitfall is to use too much grass/trees. Tune your config!