error in compiling ogre paging


22-08-2013 21:17:41

hi all i have these errors while compiling ogre paged
2>Example6.obj : error LNK2001: simbolo esterno "public: void __thiscall OIS::InputManager::destroyInputObject(class OIS::Object *)" (?destroyInputObject@InputManager@OIS@@QAEXPAVObject@2@@Z) non risolto
2>Example6.obj : error LNK2001: simbolo esterno "public: class OIS::Object * __thiscall OIS::InputManager::createInputObject(enum OIS::Type,bool,class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > const &)" (?createInputObject@InputManager@OIS@@QAEPAVObject@2@W4Type@2@_NABV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z) non risolto
2>Example6.obj : error LNK2001: simbolo esterno "public: static void __cdecl OIS::InputManager::destroyInputSystem(class OIS::InputManager *)" (?destroyInputSystem@InputManager@OIS@@SAXPAV12@@Z) non risolto
2>Example6.obj : error LNK2001: simbolo esterno "public: static class OIS::InputManager * __cdecl OIS::InputManager::createInputSystem(unsigned int)" (?createInputSystem@InputManager@OIS@@SAPAV12@I@Z) non risolto

anyone know how to resolve?



26-08-2013 12:55:45

noone can reply? :(


24-09-2013 16:59:07

I have managed to compile PagedGeometry (didn't get it working, though), and I could compile it only if I turned off the compilation of samples. You seem to have some issues with OIS, and I believe that only examples of PagedGeometry use keyboard imput. Maybe somebody could tell more if the error messages weren't written in spanish. Another problem might be the lack of information you provided, like which OS you were using, what compiler was used etc. But due to the minimal activity here, I believe that neither of these is main reason, I am waiting for a reply for 2 months, even if I provided much more information about my problem.


24-09-2013 19:06:57

I have managed to compile PagedGeometry (didn't get it working, though), and I could compile it only if I turned off the compilation of samples. You seem to have some issues with OIS, and I believe that only examples of PagedGeometry use keyboard imput. Maybe somebody could tell more if the error messages weren't written in spanish. Another problem might be the lack of information you provided, like which OS you were using, what compiler was used etc. But due to the minimal activity here, I believe that neither of these is main reason, I am waiting for a reply for 2 months, even if I provided much more information about my problem.

Did you try PagedGeometry from the following link with updates for the examples for Ogre-Overlay( see attached diff as example)? Last time I tried Example11 ran with the new terrain (slow as hell though).


25-09-2013 16:42:42

...Did you try PagedGeometry from the following link with updates for the examples for Ogre-Overlay( see attached diff as example)? Last time I tried Example11 ran with the new terrain (slow as hell though).I used it. It even compiled, but segfaulted when I tried to run it, on update(). More information here, just two topic bellow.


25-09-2013 17:17:26

The example (Example11) using the new terrain system uses TreeLoader2D which appears different to your code. So I'm not sure what the problem is other than Examples1-10 won't work with 1.9 last time I checked.


27-09-2013 08:15:58

The example (Example11) using the new terrain system uses TreeLoader2D which appears different to your code. So I'm not sure what the problem is other than Examples1-10 won't work with 1.9 last time I checked.Not sure why you aren't posting this in my thread, but okay.
Example 1 compiled, it crashed with other examples. I have added a bit more about the problem I have in the topic I was writing before.