[Solved]OgreOggSound v1.07 TestDEMO missing + Link Error


11-04-2009 23:41:49

Hi and thank you for your Job.

I try to do my first steps, but i have several problems.

In first, i've downloaded OgreOggSound v1.07 from there.
but into the zip file, i don't have the TestDEMO folder, so i don't have TestDEMO projet.
here the md5 of ogreoggsound_v1.07.zip i've downloaded : b8dc49eec0253ba751612ba43ef29911

2nd problem is that i can compile OgreOggSound project, but i have this link error at the end :
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: impossible to open file 'uiAccess='false' /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMTD /DEBUG /PDB:D:\romain\OgreOggSound\Debug\OgreOggSound_d.pdb /DYNAMICBASE:NO /IMPLIB:D:\romain\OgreOggSound\Debug\OgreOggSound_d.lib'

here the listing of my debug folder once compiled :
12/04/2009 00:29 6 714 BuildLog.htm
11/04/2009 23:04 1 203 428 OgreOggISound.obj
11/04/2009 23:04 924 318 OgreOggListener.obj
11/04/2009 23:04 1 019 775 OgreOggSoundFactory.obj
11/04/2009 23:04 4 070 987 OgreOggSoundManager.obj
11/04/2009 23:04 929 221 OgreOggSoundPlugin.obj
11/04/2009 23:04 916 626 OgreOggSoundPluginDllStart.obj
11/04/2009 23:04 922 064 OgreOggSoundRecord.obj
11/04/2009 23:04 1 356 182 OgreOggStaticSound.obj
11/04/2009 23:04 1 347 417 OgreOggStaticWavSound.obj
11/04/2009 23:04 1 337 617 OgreOggStreamSound.obj
11/04/2009 23:04 1 350 736 OgreOggStreamWavSound.obj
25/03/2009 10:26 4 919 296 vc80.pdb
11/04/2009 23:04 4 115 456 vc90.idb
11/04/2009 23:04 7 122 944 vc90.pdb

I don't understand where this problem is coming from, do you have any idea?

i've installed :
ogre3D v1.6.1
open AL 1.1 SDK (v3.03)
boost library v1.38

I didn't changed any project properties, except includes and library paths
thank you very much in advance if you can help me about this.


12-04-2009 16:22:00

if anyone has this TestDemo project, may she/he post a zip of it please?

it would be very nice.

Until i can solve this Linker issue, i use the allready compiled OgreOggSound.dll from original zip file.

Any code example would be really welcome.


13-04-2009 13:01:34

That looks like a problem in your IDE paths/options, you shouldn't get a link error to a piece of code, not that that piece of code is in the lib :? , check the project properties paths and environment variables. I've just downloaded the zip file and compiled the lib with no problems using VS2005 express..

I see the problem with the test demo project though, I omitted that from the .zip file to keep the download size small. I've uploaded a new version now without the test demo project and post-build copy so it should build/open with no issues.

If you want/need the testdemo project then I'd suggest getting the SVN version of the lib as that comes with said project.