[Solved] failed to probe OgreOggSound_d.dll for its manifest


14-04-2009 12:53:17

Tried to play around with OgreOggSound but when i try to start the program i get that error message:

LDR: LdrpWalkImportDescriptor() failed to probe e:\CiS-GmbH\Ogre3D\Beispiele\OgreOggSound\Debug\OgreOggSound_d.dll for its manifest, ntstatus 0xc0150002
Debugger: Eine Ausnahme, die zu einem Programmabbruch führt, wurde während des Ladeprozesses ausgelöst und führt zu einem Programmabbruch.
Das Programm "[3464] TestDemo.exe: Systemeigen" wurde mit Code -1072365566 (0xc0150002) beendet.

So i downloaded the TestDemo of OgreOggSound but the same error appears.

Maybe the error has nothing to do with OgreOggSound but rather is accounted with my lack of c++ knowledge or vc2008.

Did all steps of "Getting and setting up OgreOggSound".

Thank you in advance


14-04-2009 21:36:52

The prebuilt libs are vc2005 built libs, so if your using vc2008 you need to clean/rebuild the lib and demo..