Linking error ....


04-09-2006 22:52:26

Hi !!!

This is the first time that I do compile Paging Landscape plugin, I opened the workspace into CodeBlocks and I compiled and I got this messages :

-------------- Build: Release in Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2 ---------------
Linking dynamic library: ..\bin\Release\Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2.dll
Creating library file: ..\bin\Release\libPlugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2.a
..\obj\Release\src\OgreOcclusionBoundingBox.o:OgreOcclusionBoundingBox.cpp:(.text+0x434): undefined reference to `Ogre::SimpleRenderable::setMaterial(stlp_std::basic_string<char, stlp_std::char_traits<char>, stlp_std::allocator<char> > const&)'
..\obj\Release\src\OgreOcclusionBoundingBox.o:OgreOcclusionBoundingBox.cpp:(.text+0xa14): undefined reference to `Ogre::SimpleRenderable::setMaterial(stlp_std::basic_string<char, stlp_std::char_traits<char>, stlp_std::allocator<char> > const&)'
..\obj\Release\src\OgreOcclusionBoundingBox.o:OgreOcclusionBoundingBox.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTVN4Ogre20OcclusionBoundingBoxE[vtable for Ogre::OcclusionBoundingBox]+0x30): undefined reference to `Ogre::ShadowCaster::generateShadowVolume(Ogre::EdgeData*, Ogre::HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr, Ogre::Light const*, stlp_std::vector<Ogre::ShadowRenderable*, stlp_std::allocator<Ogre::ShadowRenderable*> >&, unsigned long)'
..\obj\Release\src\OgreOcclusionBoundingBox.o:OgreOcclusionBoundingBox.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTVN4Ogre20OcclusionBoundingBoxE[vtable for Ogre::OcclusionBoundingBox]+0x114): undefined reference to `non-virtual thunk to Ogre::SimpleRenderable::getMaterial() const'

The message is too long so I decided put only a part, I guess that the rest of the messages are for the same reason ....

What is the error ? ...
Thanx for any help ...

tuan kuranes

05-09-2006 08:24:08

did you check that :


05-09-2006 15:29:07

I'm sorry :oops: but i can't understand that ralationship, my post is about an linker error and the link brings me to a compiling error ... can you explain me please, I'm sorry for inconvenience ...

tuan kuranes

05-09-2006 15:36:20

Sorry, I was totally wrong :oops: .

I messed up an OgreOde post with a PLSM2 in my mind, thinking the one I posted to you would provide a complete code blocks compilation waltrough... but that was for OgreOde (check that OgreOde post just in case...).

Now, on topic, it seeems CodeBlocks cannot link to OgreMain itself. And that can comes from :
- no link to Ogremain
- wrong link to ogremain_d.lib (debug) instead of ogremain.lib (release) or the contrary.
- ogremain being compiled with a different STL library (vc2005 STL, STLPORT 4.3, STL port 5.0, etc...) than you're compiling PLSM2 with.


06-09-2006 15:13:10

I tried all ...

It was linked ogreMain(release) and it was built with the same STLport library.. :( ...

I really don't know what is happening ....

tuan kuranes

06-09-2006 15:18:59

did you check everything against: ... TLPort_5.0


06-09-2006 16:06:03

Thx so much :D ... that link helps me to find the error ... there was something wrong with the directories ....