Hydrax.lib and Hydrax.dll for Hydrax 0.5.1 and Ogre 1.7.4


18-03-2012 22:46:59

Hi everyone!
Were can i find Hydrax.lib and Hydrax.dll files for Hydrax 0.5.1 (Ogre 1.7.4, visual studio 2010)& I try to download this (http://modclub.rigsofrods.com/xavi/Hydrax-v0.5.1.rar) but not find lib and dll.
Sorry for bad english)


25-03-2012 00:14:32

Those postings are for source - you get the .lib and .dll when you compile the source code using Visual Studio. If you are looking for pre-compiled demos, I think there are a few in the same directory.