[BloodyMess]Red cube and getforce ?


25-05-2009 14:22:54


I'm here because i have 2 troubles :s
The first one is when i use the NxOgre debugger.
Indeed , like i explained it in my last posts , i'm trying to do a game where we rotate plane to move the ball.
It works , i changed the gravity according to the angle of the plane , but if i stop the ball (after i have moved it) a red cube appear on the ball , and the ball don't move anymore.
I can rotate the plane all i want , the ball will not move.

So my question is : What means this red cube and why does it appear when i stop the ball ?

The second problem is easier i think , i would like to know the speed of my Ball ( which is a OGRE3DBody ) , but i don't find any method to get it.
Is it possible to know it ?

Thanks a lot for your help.


25-05-2009 16:36:41

It could be the bounding box, but I believe that's the yellow one. Perhaps it's the shape's bounding box in the actors local pose. I would also wake up the actor for several seconds when you change the gravity. The reason why it's not moving is probably that - it's asleep.

As for speed; mBall->getLinearVelocity().magnitude() * 3.6 will get the Ball's velocity measured in KPH.


25-05-2009 16:38:51

Okay thanks ;)


25-05-2009 18:39:06

Indeed , the red cube appear when the Ball is sleeping.
So i tried to wake it up with this method : wakeUp(20 * 0.02);
But i obtain an error durong the compilation :

Error 2 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __thiscall NxOgre::Actor::wakeUp(float)" (__imp_?wakeUp@Actor@NxOgre@@QAEXM@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall Scene::Rotate_plane(float,float)" (?Rotate_plane@Scene@@QAEXMM@Z) Scene.obj

I guess it's an link error , but i have linked all correctly , moreover there are no problems with the method isSleeping();

All the .dll are in my bin directory.

Do you have an idea about the problem ?


25-05-2009 19:07:21

Do you have an idea about the problem ?
Yes, I do :) .

That's what the function looks like in NxOgreActor.cpp
///void Actor::wakeUp(Real wakeCounterValue)

So the linker can't find it as it isn't there (and wouldn't do anything if it was).

Perhaps have a look at the PhysX SDK and how they did it there and try to implement it on your own or wait until betajaen sees it here and fixes it.


25-05-2009 19:36:09

Indeed , it's a good reason ^^

I'm looknig in the SDK , but it seems to be really hard for me to do what i want.
So i'm looking if it's possible to prevent sleep of actors.

I have a problem with the velocity too.
The answer gave me Betajaen works, but in reality i would set a speed limit.
For exemple i don't want my ball can roll more than 10 KPH , how can i do ?

I tried this , but it's not a good solution because if my ball reach the speed limit , so it continue in the last direction and not in the new direction.

if (this->_Scene->_Ball->getLinearVelocity().magnitude() > 3.0)
this->_LastVelocity = this->_Scene->_Ball->getLinearVelocity();


25-05-2009 19:51:56

I noticed it the other day, and quickly implemented it.

I would release NxOgre but there is a half-finished feature which I want to surprise everyone with.

So if your confident to implement it yourself, this is the code to do it.

void Actor::wakeUp(Real wakeCounterValue)
::NxOgre_Namespace::Functions::RigidBodyFunctions::wakeUp(wakeCounterValue, mActor);

void Actor::putToSleep(void)

As for limiting velocity; I would try and come up with a force to limit it. Something along the lines of

force = -velocity * mass

Otherwise; I would play around with linear (or possibly angular) damping and increase it when it reaches your speed threshold.


26-05-2009 00:26:02

Thanks it works :)