[SOLVED] Matrix44_Identity


23-07-2009 11:32:31

Hi guys,

Just been going through the NxOgre Tutorial 2, and all went swimmingly until i got to creating and showing the plane for the boxes to colide against.

The line of error is:

m_pScene->createSceneGeometry(new NxOgre::PlaneGeometry(0, NxOgre::Real3(0, 1, 0)), Matrix44_Identity);

Error is:

error C3861: 'Matrix44': identifier not found

Has this been changed? Or am I doing this incorrectly?




23-07-2009 12:28:05

Put a NxOgre:: before it, so that the compiler knows in which namespace to search for that Matrix44_Identity.

PS: I assume that you are using 1.5.5.


23-07-2009 12:30:15

If your using <=1.5.4 then it's Matrix44::IDENTITY


23-07-2009 15:22:51

Thank you !

I needed the NxOgre:: so it knew what the Matrix44 was.

I did try this before after some research, but didn't work as i'm using 1.5.4 and needed the second way you mentioned and not the first (where my research took me)

Thanks again

Klarax :)