[BloodyMess1.5.5] Car problem


25-07-2009 00:17:37

Im trying to get a car working like the exampel in the 1.5.5 blog thread

My code is exactly as in that thread with mass set, wakeup set, etc. mDriving is "true" for front wheels.
Graphics looks correct and i can steer the wheels but they dont rotate when the following function is called.

void WheeledObject::drive(float torque)
for (unsigned int i=0;i < mWheels.size();i++)
if (mWheels[i].mDriving)

Any ideas what can be wrong?


26-07-2009 23:34:20

I solved the problem with the wheels not rotating but now i got a problem with the graphics, when the wheels rotate they vary between being black and normal. Its like the wheels dont have light on them.

A video showing the problem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlMThYisPT0