[solved] Small ragdoll bones fall through trianglemeshes


18-08-2009 12:37:10

I use trianglemeshes for my mesh terrain, and houses. Actually at my desired bone actor sizes all of them fall through trianglemeshes. If I enlarge the bones then it's fine, but some of them have to be small, because there is no space to enlarge them. Also I don't want the bone actor be larger than the characters arm ;)

I have tried to set a skinwidth for the trianglemeshes, but it makes it worse - even the big ones fall through. Isn't that weird ?



18-08-2009 12:41:41

A little, but I'm not suprised. I've had problems with Triangle Mesh collisions with small shapes too.

Have you tried sub-dividing your triangle mesh?


18-08-2009 13:05:27

Nah. Are there some helper functions or would I have to split the model, and generate them with floor ? The second option does not sound nice.
I'm going to try launching a thread for mWorld->simulate
Maybe it's due to the low framerate (8-15 fps)


18-08-2009 13:39:35

;/ Didn't change anything to update simulation at ~60 fps


18-08-2009 20:54:12

Finally solved.

At physx creation:
mWorld->getPhysXDriver()->setSkinWidth(0.01); // the default was 0.025

I'm not sure what problems may now come up. Let's hope none. I may try to increase it. 0.01 is just the first try.


18-08-2009 21:11:36

Nice. I was going to suggest CCD, but it seems a bit silly for something small falling so slow.