[Solved]Visual or Remote Debugger?


02-09-2009 11:35:57

Hey guys,

Im currently trying to figure out a placement issue with my environment, the test cube I drop lands about a foot or so above the ground, and since I dont have the NxOgre's implemented debugger available to me (using Mess 1.5.5), I can't use that to see if my nxs model is placed too high. I've tried connecting to the Remote Debugger, but it only shows the Physics side of it, so I was wondering if there was a feature to allow me to see my model AND the physics model? If not, does the nVidia VisualDebugger support such an option?

Thanks in advance.



02-09-2009 12:17:29

Well, then just download the latest NxOgre version from github.com (see this thread). Then you can use the VisualDebugger.

Concerning the RemoteDebugger: I don't know any option to also show the meshes (as the are indepedenet of nVidia and the debugger does not know about Ogre meshes).


02-09-2009 13:20:40

Oh wow, I didn't see that Betajaen reenabled it, and I was holding out for the Git where he did release it, lol.

Cheers mate.