Change convex bounding box


20-09-2009 16:58:40

ok I encountered a problem that some people might able to give me a solution.
I use flour tool to convert ogre's column.mesh and conversion type is convex, then i fellow BloodyMess tut7 to load nxs file and create convex. Next i create body and get it's scene node and scale it but convex's bounding box not change, Also it become very strange. The column's collision occur before it touch ground.

What should i do if the mesh is very big and i want to scale it smaller, as well as, change it's convex bounding box to the size it is scaled.


20-09-2009 17:19:33

If you scale the scenenode - NxOgre won't notice

You need to scale the column mesh using MeshMagick or an editor, then convert that mesh using Flour.