Multiple fixedJoints!


14-12-2009 16:37:17

Hi every1, i'm trying to make a "MainObject" with "smallObjects", lets say:

A cylinder and "attach" some boxes (with FixedJoints) to that cylinder.

But when i try to apply Torque to the cylinder something weird happens, when i use VisualDebugger i can see that the forces of the cubes didn't point in the same direction. But with <= Boxes they do.

Any suggestion? Should i use another technique to do this kind of stuff?



16-12-2009 01:54:49

Ithink you could try make an actor with a compound shape instead of making many actors and joining them
I'm not sure of how to do it in Bloody Mess but I've seen it in a code that used NxOgre 0.9