Some nxogre q?


10-05-2006 23:13:51

First of all does nx ogre have a performacne problem, like newton 100bods = 15fps on my high end sys.
and is it easy to use like OgreNewt?
does it have somrthing simmilar to an upvector joint? (makes body Look to a certain place)
is it easy to setup?
and good to see someone from my neck of the woods


10-05-2006 23:19:46

I can't comment on efficency, but I have found that nxOgre is actually easier to use than OgreNewt. That is just my opinion! I started out a project using nxOgre and I liked it a lot, but then the team decided to awitch to OgreNewt and I find it much less intuitive!


11-05-2006 00:23:20

I've had over a 1000 NxOgre bodies on screen, and the fps was around 15-20 FPS and the maxiunum I've ever experimented is 10,000 and I got half a FPS for that.

100 bodies is nothing to NxOgre ;)

As for an Up vector joint. If I think you mean it only limits self to a particular axis? Well sure it has all 3.


According to the source of Tutorial x07, there are 1024 separate bodies there. ~42 FPS on a Radeon 9500 with cubes (around 50+ triangles each)

PhysX is really really fast. :D


11-05-2006 16:20:21

OMg that is fast, does it include sleeping and there are cubes interecting eachother there in the photo
(upvector joint keeps the body facing, not restricted to an axis)


11-05-2006 16:40:38

The bodies tend to auto sleep when they settle, and it does include collisions (but the FPS would drop a bit when 1024 are going on at once)

The reason why the cubes are intersecting is because they are in different scenes (like how you have SceneManagers in Ogre, NxOgre has scenes), bodies from one scene (representing a colour) cannot collide with bodies of another scene. You might spot somewhere in that picture some cubes of the same colour not-intersecting.


11-05-2006 17:20:09

oh, thats why


12-05-2006 18:41:30

this states mgr looks intresting *gets out the matches*