citter & nxogre tutorial compilation error


21-12-2010 08:18:09

i compiled nxogre with 0 errors then when i try to compile citter it provide error
"fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'OGRE/Ogre.h': No such file or directory"
when i try to compile nxogre tutorials provided by betajeen it asks for "OGRE/SdkSample.h"
which i cannot find in ogre1.6.5 installation
i gave "NXOGRE_DIR" environment variable path to".... nxogre\build\vc9\NxOgre\Debug"
i dont know if this has some thing to do with previous errors please help


21-12-2010 08:22:12

You have to tell your IDE where to find the OgreSDK folder. Search is "include path".


21-12-2010 08:35:45

its been done and even the hydax is compiled and running


21-12-2010 09:17:07

NXOGRE_DIR is the NxOgre root directory; it needs to access the "SDK" directory inside for the headers, libs and dlls.
OGRE_HOME is the Ogre root directory; inside that should be; bin, CMake, Docs, include, etc.


21-12-2010 09:53:15

its done but same error
asks for sdksample.h but its not inside the ogresdk installation


21-12-2010 09:57:07

Ogre 1.7.x right?

I'm using the SDK version too, and there is a SdkSample.h file in OGRE_HOME/include/OGRE


21-12-2010 10:03:11

i'am using ogre 1.6.5
i cannot upgrade it because i 'm going to integrate collision to an existing project


21-12-2010 10:05:53

Right, then the Tutorials are written with the SDK Samples in mind, which come with 1.7 only - I think. You can obviously read/see the tutorial code, but you can't run them.

Critter should run, but the Terrain stuff you'll have to disable. (In CritterConfiguration.h, set "Critter_UsesOgreTerrain" to 0).


22-12-2010 09:37:22

Critter also provide errors like
" error C2039: 'RigidBodyType_USER_BEGIN' : is not a member of 'NxOgre::Enums"

there are 744 errors like this


22-12-2010 10:09:00

Your using BloodyMess if you have those sort of errors.

See the download section at this page. You want the detritus versions of NxOgre and Critter.


22-12-2010 10:25:08 ... l/detritus
link is dead


22-12-2010 10:57:57

Try this;