I like New Character Controller System [video]


20-01-2011 19:11:23


Just played with character controller.

Thought to post a video to show off it's simply awesome!!!




20-01-2011 19:56:14

<slow clap>

I'm glad you liked it. I haven't tested it before in 1st person, so it's nice to see it works just as well as it does in 3rd.

However; You should of jumped of the top of those white steps though, to show off my falling code. ;)


21-01-2011 03:32:17

Thanks for the clap :)

However; You should of jumped of the top of those white steps though, to show off my falling code.
Hmm, I missed to record it. Fall works great here. 8)


21-01-2011 08:20:07

And you didn't record any of the animation that it can do. Of course you'd have to switch to 3rd person for that, or have a second player and follow him around.


21-01-2011 16:45:09

And you didn't record any of the animation that it can do. Of course you'd have to switch to 3rd person for that, or have a second player and follow him around.
Yup I saw the code in tutorial. I am starting playing with NPC. CC animation implementation will help me indeed.

And I am pretty sure that buggyswires would be a turning point of the NxOgre graph.

PS. I am waiting for the rest of the CC implementation as well < innocently :) >



23-01-2011 13:02:01

Hi Deshan,

Sorry to semi-hijack the post, but I was wondering if you could tell me how you created and used that level you moved around in during your video? I'm using Detritus (branch before BuggySwires) and can't seem to find out how to use NxOgre with Terrain other than a flat plane. Not getting any responses in my post. Any info you could provide would be a great help :)

Thanks in advance,


23-01-2011 14:08:48

Sorry to semi-hijack the post, but I was wondering if you could tell me how you created and used that level you moved around in during your video? I'm using Detritus (branch before BuggySwires) and can't seem to find out how to use NxOgre with Terrain other than a flat plane. Not getting any responses in my post. Any info you could provide would be a great help

As I know Heightfields works fine with Detritus as well.
If you trying ogre new terrain system, refer
http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/tiki-ind ... eightfield

BTW I am using BuggySwires. betajaen implemented most of the part of CC in BuggySwires.



23-01-2011 14:58:43

Yeah I've tried going through that page but to no avail so far. Do you think you could paste the snippet of your code, or else the file where you create a visible terrain with a matching heightfield?


23-01-2011 16:37:46

Yeah I've tried going through that page but to no avail so far. Do you think you could paste the snippet of your code, or else the file where you create a visible terrain with a matching heightfield?
I don't think it will help, because it's same as you found it in wiki. The only difference is I am using RapidXML Dotscene Loader (http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/RapidXML+Dotscene+Loader&structure=Cookbook) for terrain loading.


DotSceneLoader* mLoader;
Ogre::Terrain* terrain = mLoader->getTerrainGroup()->getTerrain(0, 0);

loadTerrainGeometry(terrain->getMaterialName(), terrain->getHeightData(), terrain->getSize(), terrain->getWorldSize(), terrain->getMinHeight(), terrain->getMaxHeight(), terrain->getPosition()); // call to wiki loadTerrainGeometry function

And I am using ogitor (http://www.ogitor.org) for make terrain,etc... and the .scene file
