Linking to NxOgre to compile tutorials


13-05-2011 18:35:46

I use NxOgre 1.6.x and Ogre3d works.
Hi. I´m following this tutorials to link Ogre to NxOgre (
I compiled NxOgre from Git succesfully. Then I created "c:/dev/NxOgre/" to "NXOGRE_DIR" PATH ($(NXOGRE_DIR)/SDK). Then I tried to compile the tutorials 101, 102... but it sayed to me that it can´t open the NxOgre libreries. Those proyects are configurated fine, that´s right? And I think the PATH is right too, so I don´t know where the mistake is. Thanks.

..\NxOgre114\114.cpp(29): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'NxOgre.h': No such file or directory


19-05-2011 12:07:54

Are you sure you set the environment variable NXOGRE_DIR as c:/dev/NxOgre and not c:/dev/NxOgre/sdk ? If this is correct, tutorials should work. You can execute this command in a cmd shell for no doubt (admin privileges nedeed).

setx.exe NXOGRE_DIR c:/dev/NxOgre -m