I would appreciate Visual Studio 8 support.


07-08-2011 18:04:57

Hello. I've been trying to follow the advice which was posted, to clone a git repository which has Visual Studio 8 solution files, since the main versions only support VS9. So I tried this Git URL:


Bit my Git clients on both Windows and Linux systems tell me that this is not a valid GIT repository. Also, the Download button doesn't work within the HTTP for this URL. My Git clients sarcastically ask me whether perhaps 'git-update-server-info' needs to be run from there.

Could somebody please give me the correct Git repository, which has Visual Studio 8 Solutions?


[Edit:] I found that my solution was, to clone the repository


Which will next allow me to check out the "buggyswires" branch locally on my hard drive.


07-08-2011 18:58:39

You don't need to use git to checkout NxOgre, Just use the download button on the page to get a copy of the zip or .tar.gz

If there isn't VS2005 solutions, then just edit the VS2008 version in notepad, and change the version number. There is literally no difference between the two types of files; apart from the version number. Simply Google for a few tutorials, and there is probably a program or two do it for you.


07-08-2011 19:05:06

Well I appreciate your quick reply. However now I've discovered that to try to build NxOgre results in the following error message:

cl : Command line error D8016 : '/O2' and '/ZI' command-line options are incompatible

Could you please shed some more light on what I should do next?



07-08-2011 19:10:50

One of this for optimization, the other I cannot remember. Just find in the project settings the optimisation one and change it to something else. It'll be in a drop down menu, under optimisation. Just choose a "no optimisation" or wording to that affect; or likewise turn off the one that does /ZI.

I haven't use VS 8, since '08. So I really don't remember much about it.


07-08-2011 19:47:22

Actually, I found out for myself that I can bypass this subject, by not building the Debug target. /I2 is Debug information type.

BUT, I've also found that this project is too complex for me to complete at the moment.

As you might have gathered, I've flown over the project documentation just a bit too quickly. And so what I had missed first, was that in order to build "Critter", I need to have built "NxOGRE" first.

The second detail which I missed, is that I need to have the "PhysX SDK" from nVIDIA installed, without which I cannot build NxOGRE.

In order to get the PhysX SDK, I need to create an account with nVIDIA first (even though the download will be free), which takes time for a human to respond at nVIDIA.

So I'm just going to have to slow down my pace here, and take this one step at a time...

Thank you for your support.
