Generic question about networking


14-08-2006 01:14:56

Hi to all, i'm writing a techdemo and i need to have two objects
in a nxOgre scene moved from two different clients, sharing the
same physical world.

I'm thinking about using RakNet library, but i'm not sure if the best
result can be serialize the scene every x time and re-align with other clients, or monitor every changes and reflect in real-time to other clients...

I write this post only to check/share knowledge around this problem, i don't want to re-invent the wheel...
If anyone already test different solution and found the better implementation, any feedback is appreciated...

thanks! Clodo


14-08-2006 10:28:11

Seralising wouldn't be the best the solution infact it would be really slow, but your second idea would be better. Just transmit any differences of the scene along.

If you want it to be "seamless" it might be best to create a "sceneListener" class in NxOgre to be called once an scene simulation is a made.

That sceneListener would keep a list of positions and orientations of bodies that need to be watched across the network connection and if any of them have changed within a small range (say 2-5%) then just transmit them over when needed say every other frame.

This way you're only sending body ID's, positions and orientations which only around 9-12 bytes each.


14-08-2006 14:08:58

thanks! you and your nxOgre are great! bye!