May be of some interest


27-08-2006 18:56:53

Hi Betajean,

I found this threadin the Ogre Main forum. May be this post is affecting NxOgre, too!??

actually I've always had nasty camera flicker and it was because I'm using ogreNewt which updates the positions of object in it's own framelistener, but my camera positioning code is in the main framelistener. So I ripped it out and manually update ogreNewt right before I position the camera and it's fine now. I believe it's because the order in which framelisteners are run isn't guaranteed


27-08-2006 19:01:22

I saw it.

It's Toby's problem with the camera jitter with the vehicle, however that is a good solution Vectrex mentioned, but I would assume the framelisteners are not randomly accessed, but iterated through one at a time.

Perhaps Toby needs to add his frameListener after NxOgre's.


27-08-2006 19:41:05

Yea, I thought so to. It'd be a nice feature in NxOgre to have more controll about it. My suggestion is a way to register the framelisteners in NxOgre that then assures that they are run after or before the NxOgre framelistener.


27-08-2006 20:00:59

Oh you can do it sort of already. The world constructor can accept a second argument which disables creation of the frameListener automatically, so in a way you can set it up the way you want to.

Manual Control:

mWorld = world(mRoot, false);


void frameStarted(...) {
// Rest of code here.

Create a frameListener but a bit later:

mWorld = world(mRoot, false);

// Other frameListener code.



27-08-2006 20:29:14


Exactly that's what I'm programming at the moment and a litle bit copying from you :roll:

In spite of that, it'd be a nice feature if you can do it in a more automated way and when ever you want in you code.