0.9 porting issues


13-05-2007 21:37:57

1)how do i get the old world singleton?

World::getSingleton().showDebugOverlay(mSceneMgr->getCurrentViewport()->getCamera(), mWindow);
World::getSingleton().debug( world::getSingleton().isDebugRendering() ^ 1);

1>.\NXOgreAbstractor.cpp(490) : error C2039: 'getSingleton' : is not a member of 'NxOgre::World'
1> c:\documents and settings\julius abella\desktop\game4\nxogre\include\NxOgreWorld.h(11) : see declaration of 'NxOgre::World'

2) Is NxTools Gone?


error C2653: 'NxTools' : is not a class or namespace name

3) New raycaster issues

Body *t = mRayCaster->mHitBody;

>.\NXOgreAbstractor.cpp(683) : error C2039: 'mHitBody' : is not a member of 'NxOgre::RayCaster'


13-05-2007 22:06:26

1. World is no longer a singleton.
1a. No Debug Overlay or Debug Overlay - ever.
1b. Ditto.
1c. Not at the moment, will be in the future.

2. Nope, it's now split into seperate functions; toNxVec3, toVector3, toNxQuat and toQuat.

3. http://www.ogre3d.org/phpBB2addons/view ... 4774#24774


13-05-2007 22:31:23

2. Nope, it's now split into seperate functions; toNxVec3, toVector3, toNxQuat and toQuat.

hmm im not exactly sure how to port this line:

force -= NxTools::convert(targetBody->mActor->getPointVelocity(NxTools::convert(targetBody->getGlobalPosition())));

its from your mouseMoveOrGrab function

also how do i get the closest body from a raycast:

im seeing a getclosest actor but not a body:
Body *t = mRayCaster->getClosestActor();

i suspect i get the body from the actor somehow.


13-05-2007 22:36:45

force -= mBody->getPointVelocity(mBody->getGlobalPosition());

But if I think what that piece of code is, then just use this for that entire code block.


It is the closest body; A body is an actor. Bodies are just actors with a SceneNode.


class NxExport Body : public Actor {


Body(const NxString& name, Scene*, ShapeDescription*, const Pose&, ActorParams = "");
virtual ~Body();

Ogre::SceneNode* getNode(){return mNode;}
Ogre::Entity* getEntity(){return mEntity;}
void setNode(Ogre::SceneNode*);
void setEntity(Ogre::Entity*);
void simulate(float);
void render(float);


Ogre::SceneNode* mNode;

// Could be changed to a collection of entities.
Ogre::Entity* mEntity;




13-05-2007 23:01:14

It is the closest body; A body is an actor. Bodies are just actors with a SceneNode.

Body *t = mRayCaster->getClosestActor();

error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'NxOgre::Actor *' to 'NxOgre::Body *'
1> Cast from base to derived requires dynamic_cast or static_cast

what am i doing wrong?

also How do i create groups now:


error C2039: 'createGroup' : is not a member of 'NxOgre::Scene'


13-05-2007 23:10:24


Actor* t = mRayCaster->getClosestActor(); or:
Body* t = static_cast<Body*>(mRayCaster->getClosestActor());

Groups not implemented yet.


13-05-2007 23:28:20

were getting there lol. I'm hoping that this will serve as a good porting guide too =).

Has character creation changed a lot?

blueprint<character> bp;

1>.\GameCharacter.cpp(39) : error C2065: 'blueprint' : undeclared identifier
1>.\GameCharacter.cpp(39) : error C2065: 'character' : undeclared identifier

from what i'm seeing in intelisense blueprints are gone?


13-05-2007 23:47:08

from what im getting the new character creation went from:

blueprint<character> bp;

mCharacter = bp.create(name,InitialPosition,mScene);


mCharacter = new NxOgre::Character(name,mScene, SOMETHING ,InitialPosition,I_DONT_KNOW_THE_PARAMS_FORMAT_YET );


14-05-2007 04:56:36

That's my try~~~

Character* player = mScene->createCharacter("one", Vector3(5,120,7),"Mass: 10");


it creates a Character with cube.1m.mesh.

and if you want to simple move,add this ↓ to frameStarted to test
FrameStarted: Character* player = mWorld->getCharacterController()->get("one");

if (mKeyboard->isKeyDown(OIS::KC_I))


14-05-2007 15:31:42

thank you i got it to work (well compile at least for now) :lol: .

down to Last 3 errors:

1) I used to set my characters position (after creation) like this:

void GameCharacter::SetPosition(Vector3 Position)
NxExtendedVec3 NXPosition(Position.x,Position.y,Position.z);

but now mController isn't part of the character class anymore... can i not set the position of my characters after creation now?

For anyone asking, I have this here for networking purposes to update a character who changed directions a while back. In the future i plan to interpolate this but for now i will just teleport them to the accurate spot.

2) I cant get the age of a body anymore...


1>.\ProjectileManager.cpp(477) : error C2039: 'getAge' : is not a member of 'NxOgre::Body'
1> c:\documents and settings\julius abella\desktop\game4\nxogre\include\NxOgreBody.h(9) : see declaration of 'NxOgre::Body'

3) I cant chage the Ignore gravity flag.


1>.\ProjectileManager.cpp(533) : error C2039: 'setIgnoreGravity' : is not a member of 'NxOgre::Body'
1> c:\documents and settings\julius abella\desktop\game4\nxogre\include\NxOgreBody.h(9) : see declaration of 'NxOgre::Body'

My best guess is that its part of params now but i didn't see it in your sticky guide and i also need to access it dynamically not just at creation. Can I do that...? Access the params class dynamically?


14-05-2007 16:06:32

In the next SVN commit, you can access it via: mCharacter->getNxController();

But I'll add SetPosition as well - it makes sense.


14-05-2007 16:12:21

Bah i always miss you while im editing (see above)

In the next SVN commit, you can access it via: mCharacter->getNxController();

But I'll add SetPosition as well - it makes sense.

thanks a ton :D


14-05-2007 16:21:14

You must remember that NxOgre 0.9 is half-written. It compiles and works, but half-written the same.


14-05-2007 16:31:28

You must remember that NxOgre 0.9 is half-written. It compiles and works, but half-written the same.

true... Guess im feeling lazy... all of those are things I "could" do. I just figured I would ask you before i dive into your code. No need to re-invent the wheel. Lack of school makes me apathetic.

Well 3 errors is almost a perfect port. Especially for a half written version. From what i see 0.9 looks wonderful. Keep up the good work.


14-05-2007 17:13:54

guess I will post my patches for anyone else who might not want to wait for the next SVN

to move a character:
// NxOgreCharacter.h
NxController* getNxController() {return mCharacter;} // line 64

then use:

void GameCharacter::SetPosition(Vector3 Position)
NxExtendedVec3 NXPosition(Position.x,Position.y,Position.z);

to ignore gravity:

and vice versa:

becomes mBody->getNxActor()->clearBodyFlag(NX_BF_DISABLE_GRAVITY);

as for age ill just keep track of it myself

Hope this helps somebody. Thanks to betajaen/ANdys for all the help.