How to modelling a chain


26-07-2007 09:33:22

Hello all, I am beginner in game developing and ogre and physx, too
I try to make a chain. First idea, to create many spheres and connect it by spherical joints. But i have a problem described bellow code
Bellow my code of creating a chain:

body* createSphereBody(float radius, float density, Ogre::Vector3 pos)
params<rigidbody> _param;
_param.mScale = Vector3(radius, radius, radius);
return mScale->createBody("", "sphere.2m.mesh", new nxOgre::sphereShape(radius), density, _param, pos);

void createChain(body*& beg, body*& end, float xb, float yb, float zb, float xe, float ye, float ze, float m, float n)
float dx = (xe-xb)/n;
float dy = (ye-yb)/n;
float dz = (ze-zb)/n;
float dm=m/n;

body *prev = 0, *b;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
b = createSphereBody(0.02f, dm, Vector3(xb, yb, zb));
if (prev != 0)
joint::createSphericalJoint(prev, b, Vector3(xb+dx/2, yb+dy/2, zb+dz/2));
else beg = b;
prev = b;
xb += dx; yb += dy; zb += dz;
end = b;

Next I create box that hasn't a sence on gravitation and connect begin of chain with box:

body *beg, *end;
createChain(beg, end, 0,9.90,0, 0,1,0, 10, 30);

body *b = mScene->createBody("thing", "cube.1m.mesh", new nxOgre::cubeShape(1), 100.0f, Vector(0,10,0));
joint::createSphericalJoint(b, beg, Vector3(0, 9.95, 0));

Problem: When I add force to box, all balls begin fast travel around a circle but don't follow the box (that has big mass and slow move)


26-07-2007 09:49:14

It's probably to much stress on the joints, or another factor.

Have you tried creating a chain with cloth? If you use a low vertex/triangle count and use a chain texture in the material. It should come out pretty well, and quite accurate. The cloth would stretch though, so you'd have to limit it or turn it off.


26-07-2007 11:38:46

It's probably to much stress on the joints, or another factor.

Have you tried creating a chain with cloth? If you use a low vertex/triangle count and use a chain texture in the material. It should come out pretty well, and quite accurate. The cloth would stretch though, so you'd have to limit it or turn it off.

I thought creating a chain with cloth but i don't know how :oops: since tutorial 1001.Cloth crash in member function
NxStream& MemoryWriteBuffer::storeBuffer(const void* buffer, NxU32 size)
On line

NxU8* newData = (NxU8*)NX_ALLOC(maxSize);

NX_ALLOC returns NULL :cry:
If fully:

NxU32 expectedSize = currentSize + size; //currentSize==0, size==1

if(expectedSize > maxSize) { //maxSize == 0
maxSize = expectedSize + 4096;
NxU8* newData = (NxU8*)NX_ALLOC(maxSize); maxSize == 4097, newData==NULL
if(data) { //skip
memcpy(newData, data, currentSize);
data = newData; //data == 0
memcpy(data+currentSize, buffer, size); // crash
currentSize += size;


28-07-2007 16:05:30

Check out the Ageia rope example in their documentation, it worked well for us and I'm sure with some tweaking you can get it to act more like a chain.

I found that if you attach objects to something with too much of a mass difference (order of 100+) then you will get very unstable behaviour. Also for our rope to remain stable we had to use a very high solver iteration count... try one around 30-100 (you need a powerful CPU!).