where can I get the newest tutorial?


02-10-2007 18:08:01

Hi~ Are "NxOgre 0.4RC3 Tutorials" the newest tutorials?
I cannot download them form "get.nxogre.org", the URL "http://get.nxogre.org/0.4.RC3/NxOgre.0.4.RC3.tutorials.zip"; can not be found :(
Please help...thanks


02-10-2007 18:15:11

You don't. I deleted NxOgre 0.4 the other day for a reason. It's old and slow.

Use NxOgre 0.9


03-10-2007 00:33:05

I was about to ask the same question before I understood that you simply need to use ageia sdk tutorials, functions names and way to use them are almost identical.


03-10-2007 00:47:31


Except for a few (World, Intersection, etc.) all NxOgre class names are based of the PhysX equivalent minus the Nx prefix. All of the classes use the same function names; apart from the super-wrapped easy parts like WheelSets, and it uses the Ogre coordinate classes (Vector3/Quaternion) instead of the PhysX kind. The "Params" system is the only thing that stands out from PhysX and Ogre but you'll get used to it.

To be fair NxOgre is really easy once you get into it, and Ageia have done a marvellous job in documenting our beloved.


03-10-2007 03:10:37

I see..and thank you for your quick reply:) The doc and the training programs of AGEIA are excellent! I will follow those.