Possible bug inside NxOgre character class?


18-01-2008 23:23:59

I'm curious as to if this is a bug with your character code or not:

In your comments, you wrote "// 0.5, 1, 0.5" but in the code, you multiply the extents by 0.5 0.5 0.5, was wondering which one is supposed to be correct?


18-01-2008 23:44:24

Nope. The box needs to be a radius. 0.5, 1, 0.5 was probably some test character I tried, a fat and tall character.

Also, horrible horrible font ;). Use Inconsolata.


18-01-2008 23:49:36

I would use it, but I can't find a *.ttf of it anywhere =). Just the *.otf which looks a little ugly #_#.


19-01-2008 00:10:04

I use the otf as well. I have it in 11pt combined with the theme I posted, I think it looks lovely. You must have cleartype enabled though.


19-01-2008 00:18:48

I use to hate cleartype, then one day I turned it on... now I love it! :lol: and that font rocks betajaen :)