nxOgre vehicle prefab?


10-03-2006 05:19:44

Hello, I am trying to create a vehicle with the vehicle prefab using tutorial x06. I am having troubles changing the body of the vehicle to something other than the body that the tutorial has. Although it is a good model :lol: , I would like to use my own! Another question I have is, why does the car slide to the side when it is stopped? Not a big deal, I know it is still in early stages of development, but it is coming along great. By the way, I am using nxOgre 0.5 preview 3. Thanks!


10-03-2006 08:40:14

Unfortunately the vehicle prefab is a little bit of a mess at the moment, but:

- Can't you change the convex shape given in the tutorial, to say a cube shape?
- I'm not sure why it slides, perhaps the wheels are offcenter, or it could be the materials of the wheels.


10-03-2006 22:37:48

I have already tried changing the convex shape and just tried, but it still did not work. It seems to me like to actual mesh is coded into nxOgre and I would need to change it there. I am going to begin looking at the source to see whether that is true or not. As for the sliding, I think you are right about the tires sliding from the material. Thanks for your help!


10-03-2006 22:46:27

I have already tried changing the convex shape and just tried, but it still did not work. It seems to me like to actual mesh is coded into nxOgre and I would need to change it there. I am going to begin looking at the source to see whether that is true or not. As for the sliding, I think you are right about the tires sliding from the material. Thanks for your help!

I know I changed it so it doesn't load it from a "hardcoded" convexShape, however I don't know if it's 3.0, or I put it later in the CVS.

As your using the 3.0 version, it might of solved your sliding problem if you use the CVS version.


10-03-2006 22:49:55

ok, thanks, I will use the cvs version then! :D


10-03-2006 23:07:21

ok, thanks, I will use the cvs version then! :D

If you use Dagon, there is a little incompatibility with some of the tutorials because of interface changes (method names have changed).

Also a few files in the media are new, which I haven't updated yet.

I'm going to try this weekend to update NxOgre, update the CVS, media, etc. if I can bribe somebody to let me use their PC :D


13-03-2006 05:16:55

im still using the preview 2.0 version with a modified vehicle::createphysicsmodel function.

bool vehicle::createPhysicsModel(Ogre::String _strMeshFilename, Ogre::Vector3 _pos, float _density)

hope you dont mind me using altered code and calling it nxOgre :(

I havent updated to preview 3.0 or the cvs versions yet because I'm just consolidating around whats in 2.0


13-03-2006 09:59:23

No, not at all.

I just looked at my code for the vehicle Prefab, and the Entity of the object is hard coded. I thought it wasn't. :(

But magura's change is a good fix :)