simple car...


28-02-2008 21:07:01

I tried the code below but doesn't work... it compiles but launches visual debugger when loading the .exe ...

Body* mVehicleChassis = mScene->createBody("car.mesh", new ConvexShape("caddie.mesh"), Vector3(0,0,0), "mass: 1000");

WheelSet mWheelSet = WheelSet::createFourWheelSet(mVehicleChassis, Vector3(-0.5f, -0.1f, 1.25f), Vector3(0.5f,-0.1f,-1.25f), 0.25);

Motor* mMotor = new Motor("Motor", mScene, &mWheelSet.Drive);

All help will be reli appreciated...


29-02-2008 14:10:02

I've found the issue...
but when trying with the source code from cakebox of a simple car, the car doesn't drive, just do anything, some loops on the side... I don't understand why that...

could you help me please ?


29-02-2008 14:17:43

Either your expecting the car to do amazing power-slides around your scene with the artificial intelligence that NxOgre has built in, or the Actor is falling asleep (which I doubt).

You are telling it to move aren't you?