[SOLVED] Falling deeper than the ground?


08-03-2008 11:17:39

Am I right, that no object can fall deeper than the ground? So if I want my objects to drop an a small plane and then roll to the border an fall down intonothing, I have to use e.g an CubeShape instead of a ground shape, right?

If such an object is falling into nothing (deeper and deeper). Will it after a certain time be deleted by NxOgre or do I have to do this on my own?


08-03-2008 11:26:58

Yes, GroundShapes are almost infinite in size. CubeShapes would be an acceptable alternative. It wouldn't get deleted by NxOgre. I suppose it would fall to to a point of the negative size of a float.

I would use an intersection or a trigger, to capture any fallen actors underneath the GroundShape to clean things up.