[nxogre 1.0] createActor error!


26-04-2008 03:32:31

It's OK
NxOgre::Actor* ac = m_nxscene->createActor("myactor;BumperCar.mesh",new NxOgre::Cube(NxVec3(1,1,1),NxOgre::Pose(1,1,1));

crash in nxogreshapemeshes.cpp line 96:
mShapeDescription.meshData = mMesh->mMesh.mConvexMesh;
mMesh is not NULL but 0xcdcdcdcd...
NxOgre::Actor* ac = m_nxscene->createActor("myactor;BumperCar.mesh",new NxOgre::Convex("BumperCar.mesh"),NxOgre::Pose(1,1,1));


26-04-2008 09:22:16

You have to convert the mesh into an nxs version using Flour. This has been posted many times in the last months, if you bothered to search.