Power Ups


15-05-2008 01:41:29

Here we go again :wink:

Is there a way to make power up's? For example when I pass with my shuttle over a box (imagine that is my power up) how can I make it disappear andI go through her ??

I think making two method's, once in each class of shuttle and powerup, called GetPosition and then compare the two, but I think that isn't very efficience or even work.

Thankx. one more time


15-05-2008 11:08:30

Use a trigger.


19-05-2008 20:00:30

betajaen I read some posts about the triggers, but I don't understand that very well :?

For example, I have two cubes and when one touch the other, then switch the color of one.



20-05-2008 00:51:49

Well I go a little deep in my reading

And I try using triggers in Cakebox . I put:

#include "Ogre.h"
#include "NxOgre.h"
#include "Cake.h"
#include "nxogretrigger.h"

using namespace NxOgre;
using namespace Ogre;
using namespace std;

//class myCallback : public GroupCallback::InheritedCallback {
// public:
// void onStartTouch(Actor*, Actor*) {
// }
// void onEndTouch(Actor*, Actor*) {
// }
// void onTouch(Actor*, Actor*) {
// }
// public:
// void TurnRed(Actor* a , Actor* b) {
// Body* bd = static_cast<Body*>(b);
// bd->getEntity()->setMaterialName("nx.capsule");
// }
// void TurnYellow(Actor* a, Actor* b) {
// Body* bd = static_cast<Body*>(b);
// bd->getEntity()->setMaterialName("nx.cube");
// }
// void Jiggle(Actor* a, Actor* b) {
// b->addForce(Vector3(NxMath::rand(-10,10), NxMath::rand(-10,10), NxMath::rand(-10,10)) * b->getMass());
// }

class myTrigger : public TriggerCallback::InheritedCallback
public :

myTrigger() { }

void onEnter(Trigger* t, Actor *a) {
Body * bd = static_cast<Body*>(a);

void onLeave(Trigger* t, Actor *a)
Body * bd = static_cast<Body*>(a);

void onInside(Trigger* t, Actor *a)
Body * bd = static_cast<Body*>(a);

// character stuff
void onEnter(Trigger* t, Character *a) { }
void onLeave(Trigger* t, Character *a) { }
void onInside(Trigger* t, Character *a) { }

class Sponge_Cake : public Cake {


World* mWorld;
Scene* mScene;

void start() {
/*NxOgre::Body* ball1;
NxOgre::Body* ball2;*/
NxOgre::Body* cube;

mWorld = new World("log: html");
mScene = mWorld->createScene("Main", mSceneMgr, "gravity: yes, floor: yes");

/* mKnifeGroup = mScene->createActorGroup("Knife");
mButterKnifeGroup = mScene->createActorGroup("ButterKnife");

mScene->createBody("cube.1m.mesh", new CubeShape(1,1,1),Vector3(0,0.5f,0),"Mass: 100, Group: Knife");

mKnifeGroup->setCollisionCallback(mButterKnifeGroup, NX_NOTIFY_ALL, true);

mKnifeGroup->setCallback<myCallback>(mCallback, &myCallback::TurnRed, &myCallback::TurnYellow, &myCallback::Jiggle);
mKnifeGroup->setCollisionCallback(mButterKnifeGroup, NX_NOTIFY_ALL, true);*/

myTrigger *testTriggerCB = new myTrigger();
Trigger* testTrigger = mScene->createTrigger("testTrigger", new CubeShape(10), Vector3(0,5,0), "Static:yes");


The trigger code doesn't do anything. And the code for groups give an error in mCallback that I don't find where it is.
