attaching camera to character <edit>


29-05-2008 01:22:44

I've been working on a first person camera system, but I don't seem to be making much progress.

So far I envision the player moving about using the arrows for forward and such and the mouse will control left and right orientation of the character and the camera. To do this I set the camera to the position of a childnode of the characters body, which gets the forward backward motion good.

But how do i sync the left and right orientation of the character and the camera, using the mouse?

I've been doing something like this:
Characters part
Ogre::Quaternion quat = camHandler->getCameraOrientation();


Cameras part


My code does not seem to work, and causes the camera seems to continue spinning after the mouse has stopped moving.

Any help with this?


02-06-2008 01:51:58

Okay I have almost got it all working except this last bug.

/***BUG*** The code here presents a bug, in that with this
the character continues to rotate after the mouse has stopped moving*/
mRotX = inputHandler->getMouseRotX();
mRotX = 0;
/*End of bug*/

The bug causes the mPlayer to continue to setDirection after it has reached the direction desired. I am not exactly sure how to fix this. Any one else got any ideas?