Small body collision problem


02-06-2008 11:19:45


I have some small bodies ( e.g. a Capsule(0.06, 0.12) ).
They should fall to the ground about one or two meter (1 meter == 1 ogre unit) and bounce off,
but some of them just fall through or get stuck partly in the ground.
How can I avoid this problem? I tried to set the Actor Solver iteration counter
to 8 an 12 with the hope, that it might produce more precise collision results, but nothing changed...

Any suggestions?


02-06-2008 13:25:33

It really seems to be an incorrect collision calculation. The remote debugger
shows the same behaviour of the capsules...

I´ve read the other thread with a comparable problem, but the solution, of
increasing the solver iteration, doesn´t seem to help. Is there another way to
increase the collision accuracy?


02-06-2008 17:42:53

You could try Continuous collision detection, look it up in the docs.