Scene Loading from BSP file.


08-07-2008 10:15:47

Hello guys,

I' have to load an entire scene, essentially architecture, from a BSP file.
There is a quick way to link the BSP scene with NxOgre? ( for camera collisions and walls ).


08-07-2008 10:27:32

No. I haven't had a reason to use BSP in NxOgre. BSP is outdated anyway, you should come up with a more modern solution of importing level geometry.


08-07-2008 10:39:55

designing a "mesh(s) to actor(s)" importer, specific for architecture?


08-07-2008 12:58:45

I'll try to loop the .scene file to get the general meshes info and generate actors and nodes.

Is there an optimised way to avoid extra computing (i.e: maybe use the same actor info?, actorParams ?, ...) or it's necessary to create new actor for each mesh? some convexShape used for multiples meshes, regarding the way of modelization in the external tool (3DS, Blender...).

Thanks for reply!


08-07-2008 14:04:05

You have to cook each mesh use in convexes or triangle meshes if you wish to use them before hand. Once they are loaded in, you can use them many times as you wish.

If you wish you can use one actor with all the shapes attached to it, but I would use an actor per section of the level.