NodeRenderableParams isn't the member of NXOgre?why?


12-10-2008 17:53:56

the follow is NxOgre Tutorial Simple Sample,I can't pass the compiler,NodeRenderableParams isn't the member of NXOgre?why?

// create node renderable parms for body
NxOgre::NodeRenderableParams nrp;
nrp.mIdentifierUsage = NxOgre::NodeRenderableParams::IU_Use;
nrp.mIdentifier = sn->getName();


12-10-2008 18:31:29

You probably don't have the newest NxOgre version or don't link correctly against it (environment variable correct?)? I've also had this problem once, because of not having linked against the newest version.


13-10-2008 12:59:52

thanks,I will try it.


13-10-2008 15:30:41

in the linker properties make sure you add NxOgre.lib

EDIT: Err...wait...that error is usually unresolved external...not sure why it's saying it can't find it