Using SolutionDir


26-12-2008 20:34:29

I've noticed that you keep using $(SolutionDir) for directories. If possible, could you avoid this? I add all my dependency's project files to my game's solution to make it easier to update everything, and when a project uses $(SolutionDir) it outputs files into my game's directory which makes it very hard to find things.


26-12-2008 22:28:24

We used to use a Environmental variable for this, but what NxOgre version are using?

In Bloody mess; it's just used as a reference to find the Cake directory (it's assume to be in the parent directory as the NxOgre one) everything else should be relative paths from where the visual project solution is. As for Bleeding; I can't remember. But I expect it's similar.

But to be fair; the normal usage of libraries like NxOgre and even Ogre is where you refer to the include directory and the lib folder, rather than copy the headers and libraries into your own project directory. It's even easier to update than your method because there is no copying involved.


27-12-2008 00:07:19

What I meant was that NxOgre was outputting the .lib/.dll files into my game's directory not the NxOgre directory.
A drawing to explain it:

\lib <-- NxOgre dll's went in here- bad

\lib <-- nxogre dll's in here