nxogre or physX api documentation


05-01-2009 12:30:26


please forgive my newbie questions ... and my english

1) so i want to make a simple game (spaceship like) with, shoot, collision detection 3rd personview, cockpit view and of course a minimal flight model using nxogre (just for fun in my spare time)

but i am completely lost in the api
and unfortunally my physics college knowledge is too far from me :mrgreen:

so i am looking for a basic description of various api methods
for example the difference between addtorque, addlinearvelocity, addangularvelocity..... and so on

2) anyone has made similar things ? any link, sourcecode for inspiration ?



05-01-2009 13:33:24

Did you look into the samples shipped with PhysX?
There are some inspiring cases...


05-01-2009 13:53:11

You'll need to know what the differences between acceleration and velocity are, forces and torque and what linear and angular mean. The PhysX documentation won't give you this as it expects you to know it, but Wikipedia and a Google should brush you up on the very basics.


05-01-2009 16:25:29

good to know
