NxCharacter + NxOgre


09-03-2009 17:50:49

I'm going to use NxCharacter from PhysX SDK in my NxOgre 1.0.22T5 based game. What would be the best method to add its actor to NxOgre for nice NxOgre collision callbacks ?


09-03-2009 19:36:40

Oh and also there is:

NxController::move(constNxVec3& disp, NxU32 activeGroups, NxF32 minDist, NxU32& collisionFlags,
NxF32 sharpness=1.0f, const NxGroupsMask* groupsMask=NULL);

What intrests me is NxU32 activeGroups. Does it mean, that if I create an ActorGroup (ag) by NxOgre, then i want it to be affected in character move. Is

NxU32 activeGroups = 1 << ag->getGroupID();

what I need to do ?

edit: Come on Betajean. Please answer my questions, and don't be mad I don't use 1.5's character controller ;-)

Edit2: NVM. Got it.