Streaming video using Theora?


28-09-2009 15:05:41

Anyone knows how to stream videos on Mogre Texture using Theora? by loading ogg,vorbis files



14-10-2009 21:48:12

Working on 2 things on that end:

a) Almost finished DirectShow Video Texture
b) ffmpeg Video Texture

I dont see a need for Theora, as people need to stick to those formats. If that is acceptable and i sorted the last bugs out, I will post my Code and you can use that one instead of Theora.


15-10-2009 15:16:52

That would be nice,thank for your support,when do you plan to release them?



15-10-2009 17:34:40

actually, when my recent bug to blit the contents to the texture is sorted, it should be pretty soon. at least for DirectShow. As far as FFmpeg goes, that one can take some time, as I want a two way binding, to capture movies...