Mogre code for: OgreDotNet Intermediate Tutorial 1


04-04-2010 03:02:46

I just managed to write the code of the tutorial "OgreDotNet Intermediate Tutorial 1" in C# for use with MOGRE, I think it would be useful for newbies like me to check for that.

How to:
- Download and unzip the attachment.
- In visual studio create a new project and choose 'Windows Application', we need this step just for the dll's related to Forms, but we don't need the generated code, so:
- From Solution Explorer, delete Form1.cs and Program.cs.
- From Solution Explorer, rightclick project's name, Add > Existing item...
- Choose this file (MyOgreWindow.cs) and (Program.cs).
- Add references: Mogre.dll, MogreFramework.dll, and copy the *.cfg files to build folder.

More details are commented in MyOgreWindow.cs file.
Enjoy. :)


04-04-2010 19:43:06

Thanks for your work and publication (-:
Currently I have less free time, but I want to add it to the wiki with pleasure !