Physx Wrapper Cloth Support


13-01-2011 21:17:50

I asked the problem the related forum thread with PhysX Candy Wrapper.( viewtopic.php?f=8&t=13111&start=45) Unfortunately i havent got any answer so far. Maybe anyone can answer the question on that thread , sorry question-repetition. it is important for me.

I am new in physx + mogre. I want to create a flag application in mogre + nvidia physx. I found one example in ogre ( , i try to convert ogre code to mogre code. I largely completed conversion but i have some problems about conversion. I didnt found properties of some class and didnt create a new cloth. While creating cloth , I have null exception.

Does mogre physx wrapper support Cloth property of Nvidia Physx Wrapper? orginal code in ogre forum.

I have converted to mogre code:

CapsuleShapeDesc csd = new CapsuleShapeDesc(0.2f,12f);
csd.LocalPosition = new Vector3(0, -0.2f, 0);
csd.Density = 0;

PhysX.ActorDesc flagPoleDsc = new ActorDesc(csd);
flagPoleDsc.Density = 0;
PhysX.Actor flagPole = phscene.CreateActor(flagPoleDsc);

PhysX.ClothDesc cp = new ClothDesc();
cp.Thickness = 0.2f;
cp.BendingStiffness = 0.5f;
cp.Friction = 0.25f;
cp.Flags |= PhysX.ClothFlags.Bending;
cp.Flags |= PhysX.ClothFlags.CollisionTwoway;
cp.Flags |= PhysX.ClothFlags.Visualization;
cp.Flags |= PhysX.ClothFlags.Hardware;
cp.WindAcceleration = new Vector3(-20, 12, -1);
cp.Density = 0.15f;

// cp.meshMaterial = "nx.flag"; //i dont find equivalent value in mogre.
// cp.height = 8; //i dont find equivalent value in mogre.
// cp.width = 0.15f; //i dont find equivalent value in mogre.


flag.AttachToShape(flagPole.Shapes[0], PhysX.ClothAttachmentFlags.Twoway);


17-02-2011 17:40:09

Does mogre physx wrapper support Cloth property of Nvidia Physx Wrapper?

We are not talking about a wrapper for Mogre but for .NET in general. On the website there is said:

Supported PhysX features

Version 2.8.1 (March/October 2008) of the PhysX SDK is supported.

Here is a list of PhysX objects that are currently accessible:

* scenes: batched queries, overlap testing, raycasting, triggers, actor-pair/group filtering, debug renderable, active transforms
* shapes: box, sphere, capsule, plane, triangle mesh, convex, wheel, heightfield, CCD skeletons
* actors, materials
* joints: cylindrical, distance, fixed, point-in-plane, point-on-line, prismatic, pulley, revolute, spherical, D6
* fluids
* cloth
* soft bodies
* force fields
* cooking: triangle mesh, convex mesh, cloth mesh, soft body mesh
* visual remote debugger
* collections / (de-)serialization: binary, XML or Collada formats

So I think, yes, cloth is supported, you have to find out how to use it in your application!

Maybe you can get some information about it here:
Mogre ( Managed Ogre3d ) and Physx
and here
forum thread
and here
Wiki page

If you find a solution I would be glad to here about it!


17-02-2011 21:10:32

Supported PhysX features

Version 2.8.1 (March/October 2008) of the PhysX SDK is supported.

Here is a list of PhysX objects that are currently accessible:

* scenes: batched queries, overlap testing, raycasting, triggers, actor-pair/group filtering, debug renderable, active transforms
* shapes: box, sphere, capsule, plane, triangle mesh, convex, wheel, heightfield, CCD skeletons
* actors, materials
* joints: cylindrical, distance, fixed, point-in-plane, point-on-line, prismatic, pulley, revolute, spherical, D6
* fluids
* cloth
* soft bodies
* force fields
* cooking: triangle mesh, convex mesh, cloth mesh, soft body mesh
* visual remote debugger
* collections / (de-)serialization: binary, XML or Collada formats

I already know cloth supporting and read "Supported PhysX features" so chose physx. The problem is while using cloth property , i am encountering error.

Maybe you can get some information about it here:
Mogre ( Managed Ogre3d ) and Physx

I have the same as that application and it works successfully only primitive type(rectangle,sphere etc). If you use physx , you know importing triangle mesh (cookmess() function) . We talked in detailed in that problem on you sent forum thread If you read , you can see my posts.

Wiki page

I read in detailed before starting work with physx.

If i solve it, i will publish the solution there.

Thanks suggestions :)


29-06-2012 14:52:58


PHYSX CANDY WRAPPER contains only dll but no documentation. How do I learn to implement all the eye-candy features like - cloth, fluid, wheels, soft-body etc. Where is the documentation ? There is even no API doc about the classes and functions available in the wrapper. Can anybody help ?



01-07-2012 05:15:43

PHYSX CANDY WRAPPER contains only dll but no documentation. How do I learn to implement all the eye-candy features like - cloth, fluid, wheels, soft-body etc. Where is the documentation ? There is even no API doc about the classes and functions available in the wrapper. Can anybody help ?

As far as I know the only documentation is what you will find on the website.

However, since it's just a wrapper around PhysX you would probably be able to find tutorials on how to use PhysX and translate them into C# with much the same results.

I also recommend checking out BEPU physics