Here is the texture splatting module with dynamic management


09-01-2009 23:55:08

Hi, i wrote the texture splatting module from the beginning with dynamic management of terrain material. It creates texture units and passes when needed automatically so the user don' t have to write texturing pass to the material. Here is the code:


#pragma once

* Texture types to create

class CLSplattingManager
* material: Terrain material
* szBaseTextureName: base texture of terrain
* nTextHeight: texture height
* nTextWidth : texture width
CLSplattingManager(MaterialPtr material, String szBaseTextureName, int nTextHeight, int nTextWidth);

* iVertexX: x index of vertex when the left mouse button clicked
* iVertexZ: y index of vertex when the left mouse button clicked
void PaintTerrain(int iVertexX, int iVertexZ, float fPower);

* Creates covarege map
void CreateMap();

* Adds texture unit state to the material
void AddTextureToMaterial(String szTextureName, eTEXTURETYPE whichType);

* Adds pass to the material when the texture count is more than 16
void AddPassToMaterial(String szPassName);

* Gets the coverage map named szMapName
CLTextureMap *GetCoverageMap(const Ogre::String &szMapName);

void SaveMaps();

* Sets the selected texture name
void SetSelectedTexture(const Ogre::String &szTextureName);

* Activates the selected texture
void SetActiveTexture();

inline const Ogre::String &GetBaseTexture(){return szBaseTextureName;}

//szTextureName: name of the texture which will be used for splatting
int UpdateMaterial(String szTextureName);
//Gets the coverage map of the splatting texture
std::pair<int, CLTextureMap *> GetActiveCoverageMap(String szTextureName);
//Sets the balance between other weights
void Balance(int xPos, int yPos);
//Updates all coverage maps
void UpdateMaps();

MaterialPtr terrainMaterial;
Pass *pActivePass;

//Height of coverage maps
int nHeight;
//Width of coverage maps
int nWidth;
//Texture which is selected
int nTextureID;

Ogre::String szBaseTextureName;

std::pair<int, CLTextureMap *> activeMap;

std::list<CLTextureMap *> coverageMapList;
typedef std::pair<eTEXTURETYPE, String> texturePair;
std::list<texturePair> textureList;

String szSelectedTexture;


#include "TextureSplatting.h"

CLSplattingManager::CLSplattingManager(MaterialPtr material, String szBaseTextureName,
int nTextHeight, int nTextWidth)
this->terrainMaterial = material;
this->nHeight = nTextHeight;
this->nWidth = nTextWidth;
this->pActivePass = material->getTechnique("Default")->getPass("Texturing");

AddTextureToMaterial(szBaseTextureName, eSPLATTINGTEXTURE);

this->szBaseTextureName = szBaseTextureName;

list<CLTextureMap *>::iterator Iter;

for(Iter = coverageMapList.begin(); Iter != coverageMapList.end(); ++Iter)
CLTextureMap *map = (*Iter);
delete map;

void CLSplattingManager::PaintTerrain(int iVertexX, int iVertexZ, float fPower)
iVertexX -= CLBrush::GetSingleton()->GetBrushWidth() / 2;
iVertexZ -= CLBrush::GetSingleton()->GetBrushHeight() / 2;

for(int i = 0; i < CLBrush::GetSingleton()->GetBrushWidth(); ++i)
int nPosX = iVertexX + i;
if(nPosX < 0 || nPosX >= activeMap.second->GetWidth())

for(int j = 0; j < CLBrush::GetSingleton()->GetBrushHeight(); j++)
int nPosZ = iVertexZ + j;
if(nPosZ < 0 || nPosZ >= activeMap.second->GetHeight())

activeMap.second->SetValueAt(nPosX, nPosZ, activeMap.first, fPower * CLBrush::GetSingleton()->GetValueAt(i, j));

Balance(nPosX, nPosZ);


void CLSplattingManager::SaveMaps()
list<CLTextureMap *>::iterator Iter;

for(Iter = coverageMapList.begin(); Iter != coverageMapList.end(); ++Iter)
(*Iter)->SaveMap("media/CovMaps/" + (*Iter)->GetName() + ".png");

void CLSplattingManager::CreateMap()
int iMapID = coverageMapList.size();
String szMapName = "CoverageMap" + StringConverter::toString(iMapID);

CLTextureMap *tempMap = new CLTextureMap(iMapID,
szMapName, nWidth, nHeight);


AddTextureToMaterial(szMapName, eCOVERAGEMAP);

void CLSplattingManager::AddTextureToMaterial(String szTextureName, eTEXTURETYPE whichType)
TextureUnitState *pTexUnitState = pActivePass->createTextureUnitState(szTextureName);
pTexUnitState->setName(StringConverter::toString(textureList.size() - 1));
textureList.push_front(texturePair(whichType, szTextureName));

void CLSplattingManager::AddPassToMaterial(String szPassName)
Technique *pTechnique = terrainMaterial->getTechnique("Default");
Pass *pNewPass = pTechnique->createPass();
pActivePass = pNewPass;

CLTextureMap *CLSplattingManager::GetCoverageMap(const Ogre::String &szMapName)
list<CLTextureMap *>::iterator Iter;

for(Iter = coverageMapList.begin(); Iter != coverageMapList.end(); ++Iter)
if((*Iter)->GetName() == szMapName)
return (*Iter);

return 0;

int CLSplattingManager::UpdateMaterial(String szTextureName)
std::list<texturePair>::iterator Iter = textureList.begin();
while(Iter != textureList.end())
if((*Iter).second == szTextureName)
return 0;


int nTextureNum = textureList.size();
int nPassID = nTextureNum % 16;
int nCovMapID = nTextureNum % 4;

//If the amount of sended textures is more than 16, add a new pass
if(nPassID == 0)
AddPassToMaterial("Texturing" + StringConverter::toString(int(nTextureNum / 16)));
if(nCovMapID == 0)

AddTextureToMaterial(szTextureName, eSPLATTINGTEXTURE);
return 0;

std::pair<int, CLTextureMap *> CLSplattingManager::GetActiveCoverageMap(String szTextureName)
std::list<texturePair>::iterator Iter;

for(Iter = textureList.begin(); Iter != textureList.end(); ++Iter)
if((*Iter).second == szTextureName)
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if((*Iter).first == eCOVERAGEMAP)
return pair<int, CLTextureMap *>(4 - i, GetCoverageMap((*Iter).second));


return std::pair<int, CLTextureMap *>(0, 0);

void CLSplattingManager::SetSelectedTexture(const Ogre::String &szTextureName)
szSelectedTexture = szTextureName;

void CLSplattingManager::Balance( int xPos, int yPos )
std::list<CLTextureMap *>::iterator Iter;
float fWeightSum = 0;
//ColourValue pixelColour;

for (Iter = coverageMapList.begin(); Iter != coverageMapList.end(); ++Iter)
ColourValue pixelColour = (*Iter)->GetValueAt(xPos, yPos);

fWeightSum += pixelColour.r + pixelColour.g + pixelColour.b;

if(fWeightSum > 255)
float fWeightDiff = fWeightSum - 255;
float fDiscardValue = fWeightDiff / ((coverageMapList.size() * 3) - 1);

for (Iter = coverageMapList.begin(); Iter != coverageMapList.end(); ++Iter)
for(int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
if(i == activeMap.first && (*Iter) == activeMap.second)
(*Iter)->SetValueAt(xPos, yPos, i, -fDiscardValue);

void CLSplattingManager::UpdateMaps()
std::list<CLTextureMap *>::iterator Iter;

for(Iter = coverageMapList.begin(); Iter != coverageMapList.end(); ++Iter)

void CLSplattingManager::SetActiveTexture()
activeMap = GetActiveCoverageMap(szSelectedTexture);


#pragma once

class CLTextureMap
CLTextureMap(int nId, String szName, size_t width, size_t height);

size_t GetWidth(){return nWidth;}
size_t GetHeight(){return nHeight;}
size_t GetSize(){return nWidth * nHeight;}
size_t GetByteSize(){return nWidth * nHeight * 4;}
bool IsInitialized(){return bInitialized;}
String GetName(){return szName;}
int GetID(){return nId;}

void SetValueAt(unsigned int xPos, unsigned int yPos, ColourValue newValue);
void SetValueAt(unsigned int xPos, unsigned int yPos, unsigned int channel, float fPower);
ColourValue GetValueAt(unsigned int xPos, unsigned int yPos);
unsigned int GetValueAt(unsigned int xPos, unsigned int yPos, unsigned int channel);

void SaveMap(String szFileName);
void LoadMap(String szFileName, String szGroupName);

void UpdateImage();

int nId;

String szName;

size_t nWidth;
size_t nHeight;

TexturePtr data;
Image mapImage;

uchar *pData;

static bool bInitialized;


#include "TextureMap.h"

bool CLTextureMap::bInitialized = false;

CLTextureMap::CLTextureMap(int nId, Ogre::String szName, size_t width, size_t height)
this->nId = nId;
this->szName = szName;
this->nWidth = width;
this->nHeight = height;

data = TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual(szName, "General", TEX_TYPE_2D, unsigned int(width),
unsigned int(height), 1, PF_R8G8B8A8);

pData = OGRE_ALLOC_T(uchar, width * height * 4, MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL);

for(int j = 0; j < nHeight; ++j)
for(int i = 0; i < nWidth; ++i)
if(nId == 0)
SetValueAt(i, j, ColourValue(255, 0, 0, 255));
SetValueAt(i, j, ColourValue(0, 0, 0, 255));

mapImage.loadDynamicImage(pData, nWidth, nHeight, 1, PF_R8G8B8A8);

data->getBuffer(0, 0)->blitFromMemory(mapImage.getPixelBox(0, 0));

bInitialized = true;

delete [] pData;

void CLTextureMap::SetValueAt(unsigned int xPos, unsigned int yPos, ColourValue newValue)
unsigned int index = (xPos + yPos * nWidth) * 4;

pData[index] = (uchar)newValue.a;
pData[index + 1] = (uchar)newValue.b;
pData[index + 2] = (uchar)newValue.g;
pData[index + 3] = (uchar)newValue.r;

void CLTextureMap::SetValueAt(unsigned int xPos, unsigned int yPos, unsigned int channel, float fPower)
unsigned int index = ((xPos + yPos * nWidth) * 4);

if(channel < 4)
float fValue = float(pData[index + channel]);
if((fValue + fPower) <= 255 && (fValue + fPower >= 0))
pData[index + channel] = (uchar)(fValue + fPower);

ColourValue CLTextureMap::GetValueAt(unsigned int xPos, unsigned int yPos)
ColourValue color;
unsigned int index = (xPos + yPos * nWidth) * 4;

color.a = (float)pData[index];
color.b = (float)pData[index + 1];
color.g = (float)pData[index + 2];
color.r = (float)pData[index + 3];

return color;

unsigned int CLTextureMap::GetValueAt(unsigned int xPos, unsigned int yPos, unsigned int channel)
unsigned int index = (xPos + yPos * nWidth) * 4;

return (unsigned int)pData[index + channel];

void CLTextureMap::UpdateImage()
mapImage.loadDynamicImage(pData, nWidth, nHeight, PF_R8G8B8A8);

data->getBuffer(0, 0)->blitFromMemory(mapImage.getPixelBox(0, 0));

void CLTextureMap::SaveMap(Ogre::String szFileName)

void CLTextureMap::LoadMap(String szFileName, String szGroupName)
mapImage.load(szFileName, szGroupName);

if(mapImage.getWidth() == nWidth && mapImage.getHeight() == nHeight && mapImage.getFormat() == PF_R8G8B8A8)
data->getBuffer(0, 0)->blitFromMemory(mapImage.getPixelBox(0, 0));

CLBrush is the singleton class of mine. You can use your own brush class or anything to get the same variables. I wroted this classes for my own purposes so there can be some code chunks that you can't understand. Sorry for these situations, i can help in that times.


11-01-2009 00:53:58

Thanks for providing this. I know at least several of us using ETM have written code to accomplish this. Maybe if some others work form this code we will end up with a modular, extensible ETM "add-on".