Build Caelum 0.61 with Ogre 1.8.1 and boost 1.5.2.


11-02-2013 12:34:03


I'm trying to build Caelum 0.61 with Ogre 1.8.1 and boost 1.5.2.
I followed the instruction here and built Ogre 1.8.1 with boost 1.5.2 with mingw.

I then try to generate a Caelum mingw project with Cmake but there are some instructions hard-coded for vc++ which broke the compilation so i switched to a Caelum Visual studio 11 project.

When I clicked on configure Cmake could not find boost datetime and filesystem libraries so i added the .dll manually (although it worked well for Caelum mingw project once the boost directory is set).
I also had to add OIS and Ogre include and lib directory manually.

Once the sln project is created I started the compilation and it failed because it could not find ogremain.lib (i built ogre in dynamic mode).
I then rebuilt ogre in static mode and launched it again.
And it failed because it could not find 'libboost_thread-vc110-mt-1_52.lib'.
Again it tries to find a .lib and not a .dll.

I then searched in the CMakeLists.txt file to find where the static / dynamic mode is set but i could only find this :
# build static libs by default

I switched it to "ON" and reconfigure and regenerate the project but it still does not work.
Is it possible to add a Static option to Caelum Cmake as in Ogre Cmake ?
