Problems with the Basic Tutorial 0 (C#)


11-08-2009 13:32:05

I just did the C# basic tutorial and ended up with an error saying that some dependency of Mogre couldn't be loaded. After retrying and getting the same error i used the template provided after the tuorial --> still the same error.
Actual Error: "Die Datei oder Assembly "Mogre, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" oder eine Abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. Es wurde versucht, eine Datei mit einem falschen Format zu laden."
in English: "The file or Assembly "Mogre, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" or a Dependency wasn't found. You tried to load a file with a wrong format."

OS: Vista Home Premium x64
IDE: Visual C# Express 2008, SP1, all Hotfixes

mfg Dacollo


11-08-2009 13:56:41

You have to change the target cpu in the project preferences to x86.


11-08-2009 14:14:53

where do i do that?
//EDIT: I Just found an Article with a description how to change it big THANKS!
//EDIT2: if somebody is interested:

mfg Dacollo


11-08-2009 14:32:31

Yeah, MS has apparently removed that from the Express versions, so you have to change it manually.

Or take a look at SharpDevelop, which is in many ways better than VS Express.