integration librocket with Ogre3D with ogreframework on iOS

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integration librocket with Ogre3D with ogreframework on iOS

Post by tdo1 »

hi i have a problem with the integration of the librocket with ogreframework on iPhone. I don't have errors but nothing appears on the screen. And i don't understand why.
sorry for my bad english, i'm french. thank you for your help.

#ifndef OGRE_DEMO_H
#define OGRE_DEMO_H


#include "OgreFramework.h"
#include <Rocket/Core/String.h>

namespace Rocket {
namespace Core {

class Context;


class SystemInterfaceOgre3D;
class RenderInterfaceOgre3D;

class DemoApp : public OIS::KeyListener

void startDemo();
void setupDemoScene();
void setShutdown(bool flag) { m_bShutdown = flag; }

bool keyPressed(const OIS::KeyEvent &keyEventRef);
bool keyReleased(const OIS::KeyEvent &keyEventRef);

void runDemo();

Ogre::SceneNode* m_pCubeNode;
Ogre::Entity* m_pCubeEntity;

bool m_bShutdown;

// Configures Ogre's rendering system for rendering Rocket.
void ConfigureRenderSystem();
// Builds an OpenGL-style orthographic projection matrix.
void BuildProjectionMatrix(Ogre::Matrix4& matrix);
std::string chemin;

// Absolute path to the libRocket directory.
Rocket::Core::String rocket_path;
// Absolute path to the Ogre3d sample directory;
Rocket::Core::String sample_path;

Rocket::Core::Context* context;

SystemInterfaceOgre3D* ogre_system;
RenderInterfaceOgre3D* ogre_renderer;





Code: Select all


#include "DemoApp.h"

#include <OgreLight.h>
#include <OgreWindowEventUtilities.h>

#include <Rocket/Core.h>
#include <Rocket/Controls.h>
#include <Rocket/Debugger.h>
#include "RenderInterfaceOgre3D.h"
//#include "RocketFrameListener.h"
#include "SystemInterfaceOgre3D.h"
//#include <direct.h>

#define MAX_PATH 256
//pour obtenir chemin de lexecutable
/// This function will locate the path to our application on OS X
std::string MacBundlePath()
    char path[1024];
    CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
        return "";
    CFURLRef mainBundleURL = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(mainBundle);
        return "";
    CFStringRef cfStringRef = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(mainBundleURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
        return "";
    CFStringGetCString(cfStringRef, path, 1024, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
    return std::string(path);
	m_pCubeNode			= 0;
	m_pCubeEntity		= 0;
	char path[MAX_PATH];

	context = NULL;
	ogre_system = NULL;
	ogre_renderer = NULL;
	// Switch the working directory to Ogre's bin directory.
	char path[MAX_PATH];
	rocket_path = getcwd(path, MAX_PATH);
	rocket_path += "/../../";
	// Normalise the path. This path is used to specify the resource location (see line 56 below).
	_fullpath(path, rocket_path.CString(), MAX_PATH);
	//rocket_path = Rocket::Core::String(path).Replace("\\", "/");
	// The sample path is the path to the Ogre3D sample directory. All resources are loaded
	// relative to this path.
	sample_path = getcwd(path, MAX_PATH);
	//sample_path += "/../Samples/basic/ogre3d/";
	chdir((Ogre::String(getenv("OGRE_HOME")) + "\\bin\\debug\\").c_str());
	chdir((Ogre::String(getenv("OGRE_HOME")) + "\\bin\\release\\").c_str());


	delete OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr();


void DemoApp::startDemo()
	new OgreFramework();
    if(!OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->initOgre("DemoApp v1.0", this, 0))
	m_bShutdown = false;

	OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pLog->logMessage("Demo initialized!");



void DemoApp::setupDemoScene()
	/*OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pSceneMgr->setSkyBox(true, "Examples/SpaceSkyBox");


	m_pCubeEntity = OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pSceneMgr->createEntity("Cube", "ogrehead.mesh");
	m_pCubeNode = OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode("CubeNode");
	//Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation(rocket_path.Replace("\\", "/").CString(), "FileSystem", "Rocket");
	Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().addResourceLocation(chemin, "FileSystem", "Rocket");

	// Rocket initialisation.
	ogre_renderer = new RenderInterfaceOgre3D(300, 300);
	ogre_system = new SystemInterfaceOgre3D();
	OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pLog->logMessage(chemin +"Delicious-Roman.otf");

	// Load the fonts from the path to the sample directory.
	Rocket::Core::FontDatabase::LoadFontFace((chemin + "Delicious-Roman.otf").c_str());
	Rocket::Core::FontDatabase::LoadFontFace((chemin + "Delicious-Bold.otf").c_str());
	Rocket::Core::FontDatabase::LoadFontFace((chemin + "Delicious-Italic.otf").c_str());
	Rocket::Core::FontDatabase::LoadFontFace((chemin + "Delicious-BoldItalic.otf").c_str());
	context = Rocket::Core::CreateContext("main", Rocket::Core::Vector2i(300, 300));
	// Load the mouse cursor and release the caller's reference.
	Rocket::Core::ElementDocument* cursor = context->LoadMouseCursor((chemin + "cursor.rml").c_str());
	if (cursor)
	Rocket::Core::ElementDocument* document = context->LoadDocument((chemin + "demo.rml").c_str());
	if (document)
	// Add the application as a listener to Ogre's render queue so we can render during the overlay.
	//	OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pSceneMgr->addRenderQueueListener(this);


void DemoApp::runDemo()
	OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pLog->logMessage("Start main loop...");
	double timeSinceLastFrame = 0;
	double startTime = 0;

	while(!m_bShutdown && !OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->isOgreToBeShutDown()) 
		if(OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pRenderWnd->isClosed())m_bShutdown = true;

			startTime = OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTimer->getMillisecondsCPU();

			timeSinceLastFrame = OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pTimer->getMillisecondsCPU() - startTime;

	OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pLog->logMessage("Main loop quit");
	OgreFramework::getSingletonPtr()->m_pLog->logMessage("Shutdown OGRE...");


// Configures Ogre's rendering system for rendering Rocket.
void DemoApp::ConfigureRenderSystem()
	Ogre::RenderSystem* render_system = Ogre::Root::getSingleton().getRenderSystem();
	// Set up the projection and view matrices.
	Ogre::Matrix4 projection_matrix;
	// Disable lighting, as all of Rocket's geometry is unlit.
	// Disable depth-buffering; all of the geometry is already depth-sorted.
	render_system->_setDepthBufferParams(false, false);
	// Rocket generates anti-clockwise geometry, so enable clockwise-culling.
	// Disable fogging.
	// Enable writing to all four channels.
	render_system->_setColourBufferWriteEnabled(true, true, true, true);
	// Unbind any vertex or fragment programs bound previously by the application.
	// Set texture settings to clamp along both axes.
	Ogre::TextureUnitState::UVWAddressingMode addressing_mode;
	addressing_mode.u = Ogre::TextureUnitState::TAM_CLAMP;
	addressing_mode.v = Ogre::TextureUnitState::TAM_CLAMP;
	addressing_mode.w = Ogre::TextureUnitState::TAM_CLAMP;
	render_system->_setTextureAddressingMode(0, addressing_mode);
	// Set the texture coordinates for unit 0 to be read from unit 0.
	render_system->_setTextureCoordSet(0, 0);
	// Disable texture coordinate calculation.
	render_system->_setTextureCoordCalculation(0, Ogre::TEXCALC_NONE);
	// Enable linear filtering; images should be rendering 1 texel == 1 pixel, so point filtering could be used
	// except in the case of scaling tiled decorators.
	render_system->_setTextureUnitFiltering(0, Ogre::FO_LINEAR, Ogre::FO_LINEAR, Ogre::FO_POINT);
	// Disable texture coordinate transforms.
	render_system->_setTextureMatrix(0, Ogre::Matrix4::IDENTITY);
	// Reject pixels with an alpha of 0.
	render_system->_setAlphaRejectSettings(Ogre::CMPF_GREATER, 0, false);
	// Disable all texture units but the first.
	// Enable simple alpha blending.
	render_system->_setSceneBlending(Ogre::SBF_SOURCE_ALPHA, Ogre::SBF_ONE_MINUS_SOURCE_ALPHA);
	// Disable depth bias.
	render_system->_setDepthBias(0, 0);

// Builds an OpenGL-style orthographic projection matrix.
void DemoApp::BuildProjectionMatrix(Ogre::Matrix4& projection_matrix)
	float z_near = -1;
	float z_far = 1;
	projection_matrix = Ogre::Matrix4::ZERO;
	// Set up matrices.
	//projection_matrix[0][0] = 2.0f / mWindow->getWidth();
	projection_matrix[0][0] = 2.0f / 300;
	projection_matrix[0][3]= -1.0000000f;
	//projection_matrix[1][1]= -2.0f / mWindow->getHeight();
	projection_matrix[1][1]= -2.0f / 300;
	projection_matrix[1][3]= 1.0000000f;
	projection_matrix[2][2]= -2.0f / (z_far - z_near);
	projection_matrix[3][3]= 1.0000000f;

bool DemoApp::keyPressed(const OIS::KeyEvent &keyEventRef)
		 //do something
	return true;


bool DemoApp::keyReleased(const OIS::KeyEvent &keyEventRef)
	return true;

Debugger console
Creating resource group General
Creating resource group Internal
Creating resource group Autodetect
SceneManagerFactory for type 'DefaultSceneManager' registered.
Registering ResourceManager for type Material
Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
Registering ResourceManager for type Font
ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
DDS codec registering
FreeImage version: 3.13.1
This program uses FreeImage, a free, open source image library supporting all common bitmap formats. See for details
Supported formats: jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe,png,tga,targa,tif,tiff
PVRTC codec registering
Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor
MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
*-*-* OGRE Initialising
*-*-* Version 1.7.2 (Cthugha)
Installing plugin: OpenGL ES 1.x RenderSystem
OpenGL ES 1.x Rendering Subsystem created.
Plugin successfully installed
CPU Identifier & Features
* CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU M 620 @ 2.67GHz
* SSE: yes
* SSE2: yes
* SSE3: yes
* MMX: yes
* MMXEXT: yes
* 3DNOW: no
* 3DNOWEXT: no
* CMOV: yes
* TSC: yes
* FPU: yes
* PRO: yes
* HT: no
GLESRenderSystem::_createRenderWindow "DemoApp v1.0", 320x480 fullscreen miscParams: FSAA=0 contentScalingFactor=1 displayFrequency=0 Hz orientation=Landscape Left
Detected an attempt to call a symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone:
open$UNIX2003 called from function _ZN4llvm12MemoryBuffer7getFileEPKcPSsx in image libLLVMContainer.dylib.
Detected an attempt to call a symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone:
fstat$INODE64 called from function _ZN4llvm12MemoryBuffer7getFileEPKcPSsx in image libLLVMContainer.dylib.
Detected an attempt to call a symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone:
mmap$UNIX2003 called from function _ZN4llvm3sys4Path14MapInFilePagesEiy in image libLLVMContainer.dylib.
Detected an attempt to call a symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone:
close$UNIX2003 called from function _ZN4llvm12MemoryBuffer7getFileEPKcPSsx in image libLLVMContainer.dylib.
iOS: Window created 320 x 480 with backing store size 320 x 480 using content scaling factor 1.0
GL_VENDOR = Apple Computer, Inc.
GL_RENDERER = Apple Software Renderer
GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample GL_APPLE_texture_2D_limited_npot GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_texture_max_level GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc GL_OES_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_blend_func_separate GL_OES_blend_subtract GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_draw_texture GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_framebuffer_object GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_matrix_palette GL_OES_point_size_array GL_OES_point_sprite GL_OES_read_format GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_stencil_wrap GL_OES_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_OES_vertex_array_object
*** OpenGL ES 1.x Renderer Started ***
Registering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram
GL ES: Using GL_OES_framebuffer_object for rendering to textures (best)
FBO PF_UNKNOWN depth/stencil support: D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_R5G6B5 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_B5G6R5 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_A4R4G4B4 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_A1R5G5B5 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_B8G8R8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_A8R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_B8G8R8A8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_X8R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
FBO PF_X8B8G8R8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D0S8 D16S0 D16S8 D24S0 D24S8
[GLES] : Valid FBO targets PF_UNKNOWN PF_R5G6B5 PF_B5G6R5 PF_A4R4G4B4 PF_A1R5G5B5 PF_R8G8B8 PF_B8G8R8 PF_A8R8G8B8 PF_B8G8R8A8 PF_X8R8G8B8 PF_X8B8G8R8
RenderSystem capabilities
RenderSystem Name: OpenGL ES 1.x Rendering Subsystem
GPU Vendor: apple
Device Name: Apple Software Renderer
Driver Version:
* Fixed function pipeline: yes
* Hardware generation of mipmaps: yes
* Texture blending: yes
* Anisotropic texture filtering: yes
* Dot product texture operation: yes
* Cube mapping: no
* Hardware stencil buffer: no
* Hardware vertex / index buffers: yes
* Vertex programs: no
* Number of floating-point constants for vertex programs: 0
* Number of integer constants for vertex programs: 0
* Number of boolean constants for vertex programs: 0
* Fragment programs: no
* Number of floating-point constants for fragment programs: 0
* Number of integer constants for fragment programs: 0
* Number of boolean constants for fragment programs: 0
* Geometry programs: no
* Number of floating-point constants for geometry programs: 0
* Number of integer constants for geometry programs: 0
* Number of boolean constants for geometry programs: 0
* Supported Shader Profiles:
* Texture Compression: yes
- DXT: no
- VTC: no
- PVRTC: yes
* Scissor Rectangle: yes
* Hardware Occlusion Query: no
* User clip planes: yes
* VET_UBYTE4 vertex element type: yes
* Infinite far plane projection: yes
* Hardware render-to-texture: yes
* Floating point textures: no
* Non-power-of-two textures: no
* Volume textures: no
* Multiple Render Targets: 1
- With different bit depths: no
* Point Sprites: yes
* Extended point parameters: yes
* Max Point Size: 511
* Vertex texture fetch: no
* Number of world matrices: 0
* Number of texture units: 8
* Stencil buffer depth: 0
* Number of vertex blend matrices: 0
* Render to Vertex Buffer : no
* GL 1.5 without VBO workaround: no
* Frame Buffer objects: yes
* Frame Buffer objects (ARB extension): no
* Frame Buffer objects (ATI extension): no
* PBuffer support: no
* GL 1.5 without HW-occlusion workaround: no
Registering ResourceManager for type Texture
DefaultWorkQueue('Root') initialising on thread 0x6f39020.
DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 0x7a250f0 starting.
DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 0x7a251d0 starting.
DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 0x7a252b0 starting.
Particle Renderer Type 'billboard' registered
DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 0x7a25450 starting.
Creating resource group Bootstrap
Added resource location '/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'Bootstrap'
Added resource location '/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
Added resource location '/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
Parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
Finished parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
Parsing scripts for resource group Bootstrap
Parsing script OgreCore.material
Parsing script OgreProfiler.material
Parsing script Ogre.fontdef
Parsing script OgreDebugPanel.overlay
Texture: New_Ogre_Border_Center.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x128x1) with 5 hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1.
Texture: New_Ogre_Border.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with 5 hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1.
Detected an attempt to call a symbol in system libraries that is not present on the iPhone:
pthread_mutexattr_destroy$UNIX2003 called from function _ZN4llvm3sys5MutexC2Eb in image libLLVMContainer.dylib.
Texture: New_Ogre_Border_Break.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,32x32x1) with 5 hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1.
Texture: ogretext.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x128x1) with 5 hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x128x1.
Parsing script OgreLoadingPanel.overlay
Finished parsing scripts for resource group Bootstrap
Parsing scripts for resource group General
Parsing script Examples.program
Parsing script cube.1m.material
Parsing script Ogre.material
Parsing script Example.material
Parsing script Examples-Advanced.material
Compiler error: object unsupported by render system in Examples-Advanced.material(381)
Parsing script Compositor.overlay
Parsing script DP3.overlay
Parsing script Example-CubeMapping.overlay
Parsing script Example-DynTex.overlay
Parsing script Example-Water.overlay
Parsing script Shadows.overlay
Finished parsing scripts for resource group General
Parsing scripts for resource group Internal
Finished parsing scripts for resource group Internal
Demo initialized!
Creating resource group Rocket
Added resource location '/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'Rocket'
/Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/
Loaded font face Delicious Roman (from /Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/
Loaded font face Delicious Bold (from /Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/
Loaded font face Delicious Italic (from /Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/
Loaded font face Delicious Bold Italic (from /Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/
Loaded font face Lacuna Regular Regular (from byte stream).
Loaded font face Lacuna Italic Regular (from byte stream).
Texture: /Users/thomasdobranowski/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.1/Applications/DFA52681-E2A7-4B9A-9CAE-98C7BB51F6FF/ Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,512x512x1.
Font BlueHighwayusing texture size 512x512
Info: Freetype returned null for character 127 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 128 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 129 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 130 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 131 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 132 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 133 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 134 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 135 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 136 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 137 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 138 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 139 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 140 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 141 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 142 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 143 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 144 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 145 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 146 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 147 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 148 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 149 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 150 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 151 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 152 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 153 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 154 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 155 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 156 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 157 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 158 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 159 in font BlueHighway
Info: Freetype returned null for character 160 in font BlueHighway
Texture: BlueHighwayTexture: Loading 1 faces(PF_BYTE_LA,512x512x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_BYTE_LA,512x512x1.
[img] ... .07.23.png[/img]
Capture d’écran 2011-10-26 à 23.07.23.png
Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:10 am

Re: integration librocket with Ogre3D with ogreframework on

Post by rraallvv »

Sorry for bumping this old post...

...but, has anyone figure out how to integrate libRocket in Ogree3D?
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Re: integration librocket with Ogre3D with ogreframework on

Post by Enhex »

rraallvv wrote:Sorry for bumping this old post...

...but, has anyone figure out how to integrate libRocket in Ogree3D?
There's a page on the wiki: ... =libRocket
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