Precompiled Dlls Download


14-05-2006 05:32:13

***EDIT 2006/05/22 ***
new place to get Ogredotnet

OgreDotNet for Ogre v1.2 final Release
Source 2006/05/22
Dlls VS 2003 2006/05/22
Dlls VS 2005 2006/05/22

Gangsta dlls VS 2003 2006/05/10
Gangsta dlls VS 2005 2006/05/10 you will need the Media directory in here


11-08-2006 14:33:40

I've used the precomiled file for .net and save the dll files into my assembly file folder. I'tried to start the tutorial application but even I start the application it appears an exception:

"Der Typeninitialisierer für OgreDotNet.OgreBindingsPINVOKE hat eine Ausnahme verursacht."

(I try to translated it to english)

"The Typeinitializer for OgreDotNet.OgreBindingsPINVOKE creates an exception"

What did I wrong?




11-08-2006 22:26:13

You need to make sure you have Ogre 1.2.0 and not Ogre 1.2.2 (latest version)



22-08-2006 14:33:48


Could you please explain what exactly should I do with these files? I have downloaded file. Extracted it to a folder and tried to run some of the EXE files provided there.
I always get:

### Exception The type initializer for 'OgreDotNet.OgreBindingsPINVOKE' threw an exception.
at OgreDotNet.OgreBindingsPINVOKE.new_Root__SWIG_3()
at OgreDotNet.Root..ctor() in C:\Dev\ogre\odnt\ogredotnet\OgreNet\Root.cs:line 106
at OgreDotNet.ExampleApplication.Setup() in C:\Dev\ogre\odnt\ogredotnet\OgreNet\Custom\ExampleApplication.cs:line 69
at OgreDotNet.ExampleApplication.Start() in C:\Dev\ogre\odnt\ogredotnet\OgreNet\Custom\ExampleApplication.cs:line 56
at DemoCEGUI.CEGUIApplication.Main(String[] args)
### Exception Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at DemoCEGUI.CEGUIApplication.Dispose()
at DemoCEGUI.CEGUIApplication.Main(String[] args)

Are there some additional steps that I need to do to make it work?

Thanks in advance.


29-08-2006 17:57:22


Could you please explain what exactly should I do with these files? I have downloaded file. Extracted it to a folder and tried to run some of the EXE files provided there.
I always get:

### Exception The type initializer for 'OgreDotNet.OgreBindingsPINVOKE' threw an exception.
at OgreDotNet.OgreBindingsPINVOKE.new_Root__SWIG_3()
at OgreDotNet.Root..ctor() in C:\Dev\ogre\odnt\ogredotnet\OgreNet\Root.cs:line 106
at OgreDotNet.ExampleApplication.Setup() in C:\Dev\ogre\odnt\ogredotnet\OgreNet\Custom\ExampleApplication.cs:line 69
at OgreDotNet.ExampleApplication.Start() in C:\Dev\ogre\odnt\ogredotnet\OgreNet\Custom\ExampleApplication.cs:line 56
at DemoCEGUI.CEGUIApplication.Main(String[] args)
### Exception Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at DemoCEGUI.CEGUIApplication.Dispose()
at DemoCEGUI.CEGUIApplication.Main(String[] args)

Are there some additional steps that I need to do to make it work?

Thanks in advance.

same problem here.. :\


06-09-2006 10:08:50

Ok, now I found some posts here where to get the ogre 1.2.0 sdk - but no answers. The only version I can find to download is 1.2.2!!! Could you please post a link where to get the older version 1.2.0?



11-09-2006 09:27:57

Here is the link on sourceForge for v 1.2.0 :


02-10-2006 17:09:25

Which one do I have to download? The .exe one or the .zip one?

And what should I do next? From the wiki I don't understand anything!
What's the installation procedure using precompiled DLLs?

Thanx a lot


02-10-2006 19:07:09

I installed ogre3d 1.2.0 but I still get that error!


12-10-2006 19:46:42

I'm running VS2k5, non-express version, on Windows XP SP2.

Download & unzip precompiled OgreDotNet ( Unzip this anywhere you'd like. This discussion assumes you've unzipped the files to a folder called OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin, so you should have the folder D:\...wherever...\OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin\OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin\Release. NOTICE that OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin appears twice, since there's a OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin folder in the prebuilt's ZIP file.

Download & place OgreDotNet at D:\ogredotnet. I did this by downloading and running CVS.exe, following the instructions for running cvs from the command line.

Download & install OGRE SDK 1.2.0. I installed to default location (d:\OgreSDK).

NOTE: On my system, D: is the main drive, not C:.

Copied D:\OgreSDK\bin\release contents to D:\...wherever...\OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin\OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin\Release.

NOTE NOTE NOTE: When copy/pasting the files from OGRE SDK release to the precompiled OgreDotNet release location, I DID NOT allow to overwrite the .cfg files. This means the prebuilt zip's .cfg files are still used; only the other ogre SDK files are copied in (DLLs).

I then had to edit resources.cfg with notepad, doing two things:

1. I converted the "little square boxes" to newlines, since the .cfg is probably for unix systems. That is, when I first opened the cfg file w/ notepad, it was one long line. I split it into multiple lines (at the boxes, which indicate carriage returns) so I could read it.

2. I changed the paths to make sense on my system. In my case, that meant changing c: to d:.

Those last two steps probably won't be necessary for you, if you install to the C: drive w/ OGRE SDK installed to its "normal" location (c:\OgreSDK).

Lastly, copy some folders:

1. Copy D:\OgreSDK\media (and subfolders) under D:\...wherever...\OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin.

2. Create a folder named Samples in D:\...wherever...\OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin. Copy D:\ogredotnet\Samples\Media (and subfolders) under D:\...wherever...\OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin\Samples.

NOTE NOTE NOTE: Do NOT copy the folders under D:\...wherever...\OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin\OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin. If you look at the resources.cfg file, you'll see that it tells ogre to find these media folders TWO LEVELS beneath where it's running from. In this case, it's running in the prebuilt OgreDotNet's release folder, so two levels up from that is where the media and samples folders are supposed to be.

Double-click a demo executable in d:\...wherever...\OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin\release folder and demo should run.

I originally tried the preceding steps by copying the ogre SDK debug folder into the prebuilt OgreDotNet's debug folder, but the demos complained about not being able to find MSVCP80D.dll. I ran the D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\BootStrapper\Packages\vcredist_x86\vcredist_x86.exe as recommended in another post, but running from debug folder still would not.

I mention this because you may run into this "can't find MSVC80D.dll" when trying to run under release, and running the vcredist_x86.exe may fix the problem.


20-12-2006 10:24:02

Can anybody post a newer version build pre-compiled dlls?

Thanx a lot!


26-01-2007 10:21:50

I've done exactly like [somedumbbum] sad.. and almost all exe's from "...\OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin\Release" are running without any problems (demoCegiuManus.exe - unknown application exepction; demograss.exe - memory cant be read; rest of exe's run without any problems)..

The problem isn't that 2 demos aren't running, but.. when i am creating ( in vb 2005; win2k) the root object by myself ( like it was in the helloword tutorial ): " mRoot = new root " it generetes a exeption.. just like in this topic.. "The Typeinitializer for OgreDotNet.OgreBindingsPINVOKE creates an exception"...

How can i fix that?


29-01-2007 18:04:56

I have come to a conclusion: you copy all of this DLLs attached to your DEBUG and/or RELEASE folder, and it WILL run just fine.
If it still won't run, don't forget to add *.cfg in the Ogre3D SDK with the correct path.
Still won't run ? Well it has to run. Don't lie to me haha

Link to download DLLs pack:


28-02-2011 09:12:16

I installed ogre3d 1.2.0 but I still get that error!

howdy!i met yr problem days ago either,and i followed the guides from
and then I rebuilt Ogre 1.2 from source, exporting the manifest files. I've put the manifest files in with the demos. The demos also seem to need the original Ogre dlls .