19-05-2006 15:38:58
Hi all.
I'm new too OgreDotNet and I'm trying to set it up in my PC so that I can start with my school assigment. I've taken 2 approaches so far: follow the indications in the wiki to install OgreDotNet (install OgreSDK, swig, etc), and after I discovered this forum, tried to get the precompiled dlls posted here.
Unfortunately, none of the approaches has been sucessful and since I prefer to use the precompiled dlls I'm posting the error I get when trying to run all of the Demo*.exe in the Debug folder. I tried with the vs2003 and vs2005 versions, and I also copied all the OgreSDK dlls into the Debug folder.
I also tried the release versions and didn't work.
Am I missing something? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help.
This is the exception thrown:
<!-- Fragment start -->
### Exception The type initializer for 'OgreDotNet.OgreBindingsPINVOKE' threw a
n exception.
at OgreDotNet.OgreBindingsPINVOKE.new_Root__SWIG_3()
at OgreDotNet.Root..ctor() in C:\Dev\ogre\odnt\ogredotnet\OgreNet\Root.cs:lin
e 106
at OgreDotNet.ExampleApplication.Setup() in C:\Dev\ogre\odnt\ogredotnet\OgreN
et\Custom\ExampleApplication.cs:line 69
at OgreDotNet.ExampleApplication.Start() in C:\Dev\ogre\odnt\ogredotnet\OgreN
et\Custom\ExampleApplication.cs:line 56
at DemoCelShading.cCelShading.Main(String[] args)
### Exception Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at DemoCelShading.cCelShading.Dispose()
at DemoCelShading.cCelShading.Main(String[] args)
<!-- Fragment end -->
20-05-2006 18:31:27
I can't run the 2005 debug ether.
release works.
what do you have installed 2003 or 2005 ?
was there an exception in the ogre.log file? post it here.
21-05-2006 11:58:03
Hello rasta, and thanks for your support. This is what I found on the Ogre.log file after trying to execute the Release version for VS2005.
By the way, I have VSnet2003 and VSNet2005 installed, as well as .NET1.1 and .NET2.0.
I have the OGRE_HOME var set to the right path, and the C:\OgreSDK path doesnt change in the log file if I change the OGRE_HOME value. Im using WindowsXP Pro SP2.
Thanks again,
<!-- Ogre.log as in OgreDotNet_vs8_Bin\Release -->
12:34:57: Creating resource group General
12:34:57: Creating resource group Internal
12:34:57: Creating resource group Autodetect
12:34:57: Registering ResourceManager for type Material
12:34:57: Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
12:34:57: Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
12:34:57: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
12:34:57: Loading library OgrePlatform.dll
12:34:57: OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
12:34:57: OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
12:34:57: OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
12:34:57: Registering ResourceManager for type Font
12:34:57: ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
12:34:57: ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
12:34:57: DevIL version: Developer's Image Library (DevIL) 1.6.7 Nov 9 2005
12:34:57: DevIL image formats: bmp dib cut dcx dds gif hdr ico cur jpg jpe jpeg lif mdl mng jng pcx pic pix png pbm pgm pnm ppm psd pdd psp pxr sgi bw rgb rgba tga vda icb vst tif tiff wal xpm raw
12:34:57: Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
12:34:57: Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor
12:34:57: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
12:34:57: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
12:34:57: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
12:34:57: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered.
12:34:57: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
12:34:57: MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
12:34:57: Loading library .\RenderSystem_Direct3D9
12:34:57: D3D9 : Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem created.
12:34:57: D3D9: Driver Detection Starts
12:34:57: D3D9: Driver Detection Ends
12:34:57: Loading library .\RenderSystem_GL
12:34:57: OpenGL Rendering Subsystem created.
12:34:57: Loading library .\Plugin_ParticleFX
12:34:57: Particle Emitter Type 'Point' registered
12:34:57: Particle Emitter Type 'Box' registered
12:34:57: Particle Emitter Type 'Ellipsoid' registered
12:34:57: Particle Emitter Type 'Cylinder' registered
12:34:57: Particle Emitter Type 'Ring' registered
12:34:57: Particle Emitter Type 'HollowEllipsoid' registered
12:34:57: Particle Affector Type 'LinearForce' registered
12:34:57: Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader' registered
12:34:57: Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader2' registered
12:34:57: Particle Affector Type 'ColourImage' registered
12:34:57: Particle Affector Type 'ColourInterpolator' registered
12:34:57: Particle Affector Type 'Scaler' registered
12:34:57: Particle Affector Type 'Rotator' registered
12:34:57: Particle Affector Type 'DirectionRandomiser' registered
12:34:57: Particle Affector Type 'DeflectorPlane' registered
12:34:57: Loading library .\Plugin_BSPSceneManager
12:34:57: Registering ResourceManager for type BspLevel
12:34:57: Loading library .\Plugin_OctreeSceneManager
12:34:57: Loading library .\Plugin_CgProgramManager
12:34:57: *-*-* OGRE Initialising
12:34:57: *-*-* Version 1.2.0 (Dagon)
12:34:57: Creating resource group Bootstrap
12:34:57: An exception has been thrown!
Error #: 9
Function: ZipArchive::checkZzipError
Description: C:/OgreSDK/media/packs/ - error whilst opening archive: Unable to read zip file..
File: ..\src\OgreZip.cpp
Line: 256
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
12:34:57: Unregistering ResourceManager for type BspLevel
12:34:57: *-*-* OGRE Shutdown
12:34:57: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Compositor
12:34:57: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Font
12:34:57: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
12:34:57: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Mesh
12:34:57: Unregistering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
12:34:57: Unloading library .\Plugin_CgProgramManager
12:34:57: Unloading library .\Plugin_OctreeSceneManager
12:34:57: Unloading library .\Plugin_BSPSceneManager
12:34:57: Unloading library .\Plugin_ParticleFX
12:34:57: *** Stopping Win32GL Subsystem ***
12:34:57: Unloading library .\RenderSystem_GL
12:34:57: D3D9 : Shutting down cleanly.
12:34:57: D3D9 : Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem destroyed.
12:34:57: Unloading library .\RenderSystem_Direct3D9
12:34:57: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Material
12:34:57: Unloading library OgrePlatform.dll
<!-- End of Ogre.log -->
21-05-2006 12:04:27
I get exactly the same Ogre.log with the VS2003 version (OgreDotNet_vs7p1_Bin\Release)... Debug can't be run either.
21-05-2006 18:41:13
The OGRE_HOME var is only for buiding from source so the projects can find the include and lib directories. Check your Resources.cfg make sure all the paths are correct. Also make sure not to mix forward slashes "/" and back slashes "\", just make them all back slashes since you use windows.
also make sure that is not currupt, Try to extract it.
22-05-2006 09:39:56
Thanks a million, rasta. That was it. Many of the samples run now in the release version and that's enough for me. However, I find convenient to inform that:
DemoCeguiMenus.exe crashes with a windows error message: "Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library. Abnormal termination". There is no DemoCeguiMenus.log and below is the ogre.log.
DemoWinForms.exe fails with a "Common Language Runtime Debugging Services: Application has generated an exception that could not be handled" message. No errors nor exception in ogre.log.
DemoCompositor.exe, DemoCustomObjects.exe, DemoFireworks.exe and DemoGrass.exe fail and dont show anything, not even an error message nor exceptions in ogre.log.
DemoFireworks.exe fails because it doesnt find this path, which I cant find anywhere in the OgreSDK installation: skybox/Starfield
DemoGAPyramid.exe fails with this exception in the log file:
### Exception The type initializer for "GangstaDotNet.GangstaBindingsPINVOKE" threw an exception.
at GangstaDotNet.GangstaBindingsPINVOKE.new_Manager()
at GangstaDotNet.GangstaExample.Setup()
at OgreDotNet.ExampleApplication.Start()
at DemoGAPyramid.cGAPyramid.Main(String[] args)
<!-- Ogre.log for DemoCeguiMenus.exe -->
09:59:41: Creating resource group General
09:59:41: Creating resource group Internal
09:59:41: Creating resource group Autodetect
09:59:41: Registering ResourceManager for type Material
09:59:41: Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
09:59:41: Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
09:59:41: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
09:59:41: Loading library OgrePlatform.dll
09:59:41: OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
09:59:41: OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
09:59:41: OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
09:59:41: Registering ResourceManager for type Font
09:59:41: ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
09:59:41: ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
09:59:41: DevIL version: Developer's Image Library (DevIL) 1.6.7 Nov 9 2005
09:59:41: DevIL image formats: bmp dib cut dcx dds gif hdr ico cur jpg jpe jpeg lif mdl mng jng pcx pic pix png pbm pgm pnm ppm psd pdd psp pxr sgi bw rgb rgba tga vda icb vst tif tiff wal xpm raw
09:59:41: Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
09:59:41: Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor
09:59:41: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
09:59:41: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
09:59:41: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
09:59:41: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered.
09:59:41: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
09:59:41: MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
09:59:41: Loading library .\RenderSystem_Direct3D9
09:59:41: D3D9 : Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem created.
09:59:41: D3D9: Driver Detection Starts
09:59:41: D3D9: Driver Detection Ends
09:59:41: Loading library .\RenderSystem_GL
09:59:41: OpenGL Rendering Subsystem created.
09:59:41: Loading library .\Plugin_ParticleFX
09:59:41: Particle Emitter Type 'Point' registered
09:59:41: Particle Emitter Type 'Box' registered
09:59:41: Particle Emitter Type 'Ellipsoid' registered
09:59:41: Particle Emitter Type 'Cylinder' registered
09:59:41: Particle Emitter Type 'Ring' registered
09:59:41: Particle Emitter Type 'HollowEllipsoid' registered
09:59:41: Particle Affector Type 'LinearForce' registered
09:59:41: Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader' registered
09:59:41: Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader2' registered
09:59:41: Particle Affector Type 'ColourImage' registered
09:59:41: Particle Affector Type 'ColourInterpolator' registered
09:59:41: Particle Affector Type 'Scaler' registered
09:59:41: Particle Affector Type 'Rotator' registered
09:59:41: Particle Affector Type 'DirectionRandomiser' registered
09:59:41: Particle Affector Type 'DeflectorPlane' registered
09:59:41: Loading library .\Plugin_BSPSceneManager
09:59:41: Registering ResourceManager for type BspLevel
09:59:41: Loading library .\Plugin_OctreeSceneManager
09:59:41: Loading library .\Plugin_CgProgramManager
09:59:41: *-*-* OGRE Initialising
09:59:41: *-*-* Version 1.2.0 (Dagon)
09:59:41: Creating resource group Bootstrap
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'Bootstrap'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/fonts' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/materials/programs' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/materials/scripts' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/materials/textures' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/models' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/overlays' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/particle' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/gui' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/DeferredShadingMedia' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: Added resource location 'C:/Applications/OgreSDK/media' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
09:59:41: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Allow NVPerfHUD = No
09:59:41: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Anti aliasing = None
09:59:41: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Floating-point mode = Fastest
09:59:41: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Full Screen = Yes
09:59:41: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Rendering Device = RADEON 9200 SERIES (DNA-ATi
09:59:41: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: VSync = No
09:59:41: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Video Mode = 800 x 600 @ 32-bit colour
09:59:44: D3D9 : Subsystem Initialising
09:59:44: D3D9RenderSystem::createRenderWindow "Ogre Render Window", 800x600 fullscreen miscParams: FSAA=0 FSAAQuality=0 colourDepth=32 useNVPerfHUD=false vsync=false
09:59:44: D3D9 : Created D3D9 Rendering Window 'Ogre Render Window' : 800x600, 32bpp
09:59:44: Registering ResourceManager for type Texture
09:59:44: Registering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram
09:59:44: RenderSystem capabilities
09:59:44: -------------------------
09:59:44: * Hardware generation of mipmaps: yes
09:59:44: * Texture blending: yes
09:59:44: * Anisotropic texture filtering: yes
09:59:44: * Dot product texture operation: yes
09:59:44: * Cube mapping: yes
09:59:44: * Hardware stencil buffer: yes
09:59:44: - Stencil depth: 8
09:59:44: - Two sided stencil support: no
09:59:44: - Wrap stencil values: yes
09:59:44: * Hardware vertex / index buffers: yes
09:59:44: * Vertex programs: yes
09:59:44: - Max vertex program version: vs_1_1
09:59:44: * Fragment programs: yes
09:59:44: - Max fragment program version: ps_1_4
09:59:44: * Texture Compression: yes
09:59:44: - DXT: yes
09:59:44: - VTC: no
09:59:44: * Scissor Rectangle: yes
09:59:44: * Hardware Occlusion Query: yes
09:59:44: * User clip planes: yes
09:59:44: * VET_UBYTE4 vertex element type: yes
09:59:44: * Infinite far plane projection: yes
09:59:44: * Hardware render-to-texture: yes
09:59:44: * Floating point textures: no
09:59:44: * Non-power-of-two textures: yes
09:59:44: * Volume textures: yes
09:59:44: * Multiple Render Targets: 1
09:59:44: * Point Sprites: yes
09:59:44: * Extended point parameters: yes
09:59:44: * Max Point Size: 256
09:59:44: ***************************************
09:59:44: *** D3D9 : Subsystem Initialised OK ***
09:59:44: ***************************************
09:59:44: ResourceBackgroundQueue - threading disabled
09:59:44: Particle Renderer Type 'billboard' registered
09:59:44: Creating viewport on target 'Ogre Render Window', rendering from camera 'MainCamera', relative dimensions L: 0.00 T: 0.00 W: 1.00 H: 1.00 ZOrder: 0
09:59:44: Viewport for camera 'MainCamera', actual dimensions L: 0 T: 0 W: 800 H: 600
09:59:44: Parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
09:59:44: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
09:59:44: Parsing scripts for resource group Bootstrap
09:59:44: Parsing script OgreCore.material
09:59:44: Parsing script OgreProfiler.material
09:59:44: Parsing script Ogre.fontdef
09:59:44: Parsing script OgreDebugPanel.overlay
09:59:44: Texture: New_Ogre_Border_Center.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x128x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,256x128x1.
09:59:44: Texture: New_Ogre_Border.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1.
09:59:44: Texture: New_Ogre_Border_Break.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,32x32x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,32x32x1.
09:59:44: Font BlueHighwayusing texture size 512x512
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 127 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 128 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 129 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 130 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 131 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 132 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 133 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 134 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 135 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 136 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 137 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 138 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 139 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 140 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 141 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 142 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 143 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 144 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 145 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 146 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 147 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 148 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 149 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 150 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 151 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 152 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 153 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 154 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 155 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 156 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 157 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 158 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 159 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Info: Freetype returned null for character 160 in font BlueHighway
09:59:44: Texture: BlueHighwayTexture: Loading 1 faces(PF_BYTE_LA,512x512x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_BYTE_LA,512x512x1.
09:59:44: Texture: ogretext.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x128x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,256x128x1.
09:59:44: Parsing script OgreLoadingPanel.overlay
09:59:44: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Bootstrap
09:59:44: Parsing scripts for resource group General
09:59:45: Parsing script Examples.program
09:59:45: Parsing script StdQuad_vp.program
09:59:45: Parsing script deferred.glsl.program
09:59:45: Parsing script deferred.hlsl.program
09:59:45: Parsing script deferred_post_debug.glsl.program
09:59:45: Parsing script deferred_post_debug.hlsl.program
09:59:45: Parsing script deferred_post_minilight.glsl.program
09:59:45: Parsing script deferred_post_minilight.hlsl.program
09:59:45: Parsing script deferred_post_multipass.glsl.program
09:59:45: Parsing script deferred_post_multipass.hlsl.program
09:59:45: Parsing script deferred_post_onepass.glsl.program
09:59:45: Parsing script deferred_post_onepass.hlsl.program
09:59:45: Parsing script BlackAndWhite.material
09:59:45: Parsing script Bloom.material
09:59:45: Parsing script DOF.material
09:59:45: Parsing script Embossed.material
09:59:45: Parsing script Example-DynTex.material
09:59:45: Parsing script Example-Water.material
09:59:45: Parsing script Example.material
09:59:45: Parsing script Examples-Advanced.material
09:59:45: Parsing script facial.material
09:59:45: Parsing script Glass.material
09:59:45: Parsing script hdr.material
09:59:45: Parsing script HeatVision.material
09:59:46: Parsing script Hurt.material
09:59:46: Parsing script Invert.material
09:59:46: Parsing script Laplace.material
09:59:46: Parsing script MotionBlur.material
09:59:46: Parsing script Ocean.material
09:59:46: Parsing script OffsetMapping.material
09:59:46: Parsing script Ogre.material
09:59:46: Parsing script OldMovie.material
09:59:46: Parsing script OldTV.material
09:59:46: Parsing script Posterize.material
09:59:46: Parsing script RZR-002.material
09:59:46: Parsing script SharpenEdges.material
09:59:46: Parsing script smoke.material
09:59:46: Parsing script Tiling.material
09:59:46: Parsing script deferred.material
09:59:46: Parsing script deferreddemo.material
09:59:46: Parsing script deferred_post_debug.material
09:59:46: Parsing script deferred_post_minilight.material
09:59:46: Parsing script deferred_post_multipass.material
09:59:46: Parsing script deferred_post_onepass.material
09:59:46: Parsing script fresnelenviron.material
09:59:46: Parsing script Examples.compositor
09:59:46: Parsing script sample.fontdef
09:59:46: Parsing script Example-Water.particle
09:59:46: Parsing script Example.particle
09:59:46: Parsing script smoke.particle
09:59:46: Parsing script Compositor.overlay
09:59:46: Parsing script DP3.overlay
09:59:46: Parsing script Example-CubeMapping.overlay
09:59:46: Parsing script Example-DynTex.overlay
09:59:46: Parsing script Example-Water.overlay
09:59:46: Parsing script Shadows.overlay
09:59:46: Finished parsing scripts for resource group General
09:59:46: Parsing scripts for resource group Internal
09:59:46: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Internal
09:59:46: Texture: clouds.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_B8G8R8,256x256x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,256x256x1.
09:59:46: Texture: TaharezLook.tga: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1.
09:59:46: Texture: _cegui_ogre_0: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1.
09:59:46: Texture: _cegui_ogre_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1.
09:59:46: Texture: _cegui_ogre_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1.
09:59:46: Texture: _cegui_ogre_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1.
09:59:46: Texture: _cegui_ogre_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1.
09:59:46: Texture: _cegui_ogre_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1.
<!-- End of Ogre.lo for DemoCeguiMenus.exe -->
22-05-2006 14:49:00
DemoCeguiMenus.exe crashes with a windows error message: "Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library. Abnormal termination". There is no DemoCeguiMenus.log and below is the ogre.log.
This one I'm not sure what to do about. I think Maleficus made this but never put the media in cvs. It uses the Windowslook CEGUI theme and I'v not been able to find that anywhere. I tried to make it use the TaharezLook but it failes with an error in the CEGUI.log, somthing about MenubarItem not registered. i gess Windowslook and TaharezLook are different.
DemoWinForms.exe fails with a "Common Language Runtime Debugging Services: Application has generated an exception that could not be handled" message. No errors nor exception in ogre.log.
DemoCompositor.exe, DemoCustomObjects.exe, DemoFireworks.exe and DemoGrass.exe fail and dont show anything, not even an error message nor exceptions in ogre.log.
try opening a command prompt and cd to where the exe is and running these there maybe something written to the console and not to a log.
DemoFireworks.exe fails because it doesnt find this path, which I cant find anywhere in the OgreSDK installation: skybox/Starfield
that is a material defined in ogredotnet\Samples\Media\SkyBoxes.material.
Make sure that the ODN media dir is correct in your Resources.cfg.
DemoGAPyramid.exe fails with this exception in the log file:
### Exception The type initializer for "GangstaDotNet.GangstaBindingsPINVOKE" threw an exception.
at GangstaDotNet.GangstaBindingsPINVOKE.new_Manager()
at GangstaDotNet.GangstaExample.Setup()
at OgreDotNet.ExampleApplication.Start()
at DemoGAPyramid.cGAPyramid.Main(String[] args)
for the Gangsta demo you need to get the GangstaWrapper binarys
Rob Loach
25-05-2006 14:26:23
There isn't really a reason why you'd need to release the Debug binaries. The CLR P/Invokes actually run extremely faster in release mode...
26-05-2006 18:36:53
There isn't really a reason why you'd need to release the Debug binaries. The CLR P/Invokes actually run extremely faster in release mode...
But the real question is... Why can't even I, who built it, run debug version of VS2005 binnaries. I can run 2003 stuff debug/releas fine
28-05-2006 19:06:36
Hi Rastaman, and thanks for your help. I'm sorry I've taken so long to reply.
Thanks to your suggestions I have my OgreDotNet setted up and running great. Thanks.
However, there is a big drawback which I see you've already noticed. I dont know for you, but I find very useful to debug my applications and I can not use the Debug version of the OgreDotNet binaries, neither 2003's nor 2005's. Is there anything you (or us if you want my help) can do to get it to work?
28-05-2006 21:09:14
31-05-2006 12:56:19
Thanks a million Rasta. Everything is ok now.
01-06-2006 20:54:42
I'll check thsi out later, I was experiancing the same problem with 2005 and I have been devoloping with the release versions with no debugging which obviously is not an ideal solution.
Thumbs up if they do work though