Need some help


23-07-2006 14:58:57

Hi, i'm new to OGRE.

I've a little trouble to get it run. If someone has an idea it would be nice.

Enviroment: WinXP, Visual Studio 2005 pro, OGRE SDK 1.2.1, SWIG 1.3.29

I get the latest CVS Data and try to compile, but it crashed partly.
First i try to compile the OgreDotNet_vc8.sln. The OgreBindings and CeguiBindings goes without greater Errors.
(CeguiBindings had warning C4172 and error C4335(easy to fix))
(OgreBindings had warnings C4172, C4267 and error C4335(easy to fix))
So i get the DLL's.
When im trying to compile OgreBindings_Cegui or GangstaBindings it have
some hard errors. For each project there are one Missing file.
(OgreBindings.Cegui_wrap.cxx and GangstaBindings_wrap.cxx)
This looks to me the most complicated problem, cause i don't know where to get it. Or have i do some other steps before ? I've tried to look in earlier CVS Versions but doesn't find something.

Need some Help


BTW: I don't want to use an old precompiled wrapper, i don't like to use an old ogre.


23-07-2006 15:21:39

The best you can do is to use the precompiled dll. If you want to run the examples you need media and pluggin directory, you can get it from the sources son the Ogre installer.


23-07-2006 17:38:39

Ok, but where i get Ogre 1.2.0 i didn't find it in the File Repository.

And why there are missing files in the CVS ??


24-07-2006 06:34:20

I've found somethin in another thread.
I had to copy all OgreCEGUI*.h into OgreSDK\include.
Now i got the OgreBindings_Cegui.dll

Now i must get of these PINVOKE errors.