Does Debug build work? (VS Express)


27-08-2006 20:30:07

I'm running into a tricky issue with VC#/VC++ Express.

It appears that the runtime debug DLL's don't work with a binary if not launched from the debugger. I verified this by making a DLL that was not linked against the standard librarys, and I can make Ogre load it, but as soon as I link against a debug library the OS says that the module was not found.

The closest I could get to running was to place the debug DLLs along side the Plugin_*.dll files, but the problem I get there is that when it hits the LoadLibrary for the ParticleFX, an MDA is thrown claiming that a possibly reentrant call to LoadLibrary is being made while a lock is being held on the system loader, and further execution would not proceed in order to avoid a deadlock.

I can only guess that Express users need to stick to the Release build?

Has anyone used the Debug builds of OgreDotNet with Express?


02-09-2006 08:13:14

Is there something in the FAQ about the Debug version of Ogre Dot Net?