3rd person camera system tutorial ported


01-12-2005 22:13:46


I've ported the 3rd person camera system tutorial to c#. You can download the source code from http://www.ugr.es/local/agsh/ogre/ExtendedCameraSample.zip.

I hope this will help to someone.


16-04-2006 16:15:25

The progran throw a exception with lightSpecularColor. I see in a hile in forum that STAThreat may be MTAThret and this running ok, or uncomment.

And .RemoveAllCameras() may be .DestroyAllCAmeras()

Because SceneManager doesn't implement the Remove method.


16-04-2006 19:28:13

I see Error #7 too.

from ogre.txt logifle

Error #: 7
Function: GpuProgramParameters::getParamIndex
Description: Cannot find a parameter named lightSpecularColor.
File: c:\ogre\ogrenew\ogremain\src\ogregpuprogram.cpp
Line: 768
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
21:33:25: Error at line 29 of deferred_post_minilight.hlsl.program: Invalid param_named_auto attribute - An exception has been thrown!

I always assumed that my graphics card just doesn't support that property since it doesn't kill the program.

I think EB sees this same error without crashing...

Is anyone else seeing it too and not worrying about it?

Changing STAThread to MTAThread was a fix for an exception that was happening when closing from fullscreen. I'm not convinced that either is needed since we don't interact with the COM objects that need the threading model to be specified.



16-04-2006 20:06:45

Great job alberts!

glad to see that others are porting the tutorials too....

Are you going to put a writeup of your work on the ODN wiki page? I hope so :D



16-04-2006 20:49:22

I wrote it five months ago, for ogre 1.0.4 :roll: Many things have changed...

Are you going to put a writeup of your work on the ODN wiki page? I hope so

Well, I'd prefer that someone with better english level do it :oops: ... Anyway, I will try to write a simple version.


16-04-2006 23:09:27

Alberts, podrías añadir un enlace al código fuente en versión C# en la página en el wiki. Así la gente interesada podrá encontrarlo más fácilmente ;)

Bueno, no te preocupes, ya le he añadido yo al principio de la sección de código fuente :)


17-04-2006 13:52:46

Alberts tu código de 3r person camera da error al pulsar alguna de las teclas de movimiento WSAD. Lo demás funciona bien.

Puede ser que haya cambiado algo el sistema de captura de Eventos?
Porque en el Intermediate Tutorial 1 se declaran con EvenHanderls al principio y luego en las funciones obvial el base.*

- - - - - -

Alberts your 3r person camera camera crashes to me when I push any movement Key (WSAD). Other Keys like F1 and F2, ESC run ok.

Perhaps Was changed EventHandler system since last realse of your code? Because Intermediate Tutorial 1 declared with EventHandlers at first and without base.* for catch e.


17-04-2006 14:24:11

El problema viene al transformar la solución a VS 2005 o con SharpDevelp2.0 que también usa los poryectos de VS2005.

Compilándola con VS 2003 funciona a la perfección. ¡Buene trabajo!

- - - --

The problem is caused to transform solution to VS 2005 or SharpDevelop 2.0.
To compile with VS 2003 run successfully, good work!