SDK1.2.3 & CEGUI 0.5 & C#


12-10-2006 03:08:37

maybe i am trying to do impossible things but , i would like to get some help here if someone could assist me ;D

first, i dl the sdk 1.2.3 and the 2005 ogredotnet
then i tried to compile (release mode , C#), i got so many errrors that i started researching the foruns. Then i found out that i needed to copy OgreCEGUI*.h to ogresdk/include because OgreSDK changed the location of OgreCEGUI*.h to ogresdk/samples/include or else OgreBindings_Cegui wouldnt work.

however, i discovered that after swig built all the .cs of all the bindings, that CompositorChain.cs seems to be wrongly built, the error was :
The type or namespace 'SWIGTYPE_p_Ogre__CompositorInstance__RenderSystemOperation' could not be found.

i believed that if i changed it to CompositorInstance instead of all that big name, it could work, at least it compiled.

however, none of the demos work now :( all them crashs saying: 'OgreDotNet.OgreBindingsPINVOKE' threw an exception...

edited: ok, my bad, i forgot some dlls to make the ogre really works, now it is ok, however, one question remains!!!

question : how can i put cegui 0.5 in the ogredotnet using 1.2.3 sdk?

i will apreciate any help,
