OgreDotNet 1.2.0/Ogre 1.2.0 Status Versus Mogre/Ogre 1.2.3


23-10-2006 17:01:58

We want to use Ogre via C# in our application, and we're planning ahead and trying to clarify our options.

We've been looking at OgreDotNet for a while, and we wondered just how complete a wrapper it is around Ogre 1.2.0; I've asked the question previously on this Forum but got no response, so I thought I'd start another thread.

I've also noticed the problems that have been encountered using OgreDotNet 1.2.0 with dll's for Ogre 1.2.3.

Obviously, we want to keep current, but we'll be facing a decision over the coming weeks about how to proceed.

So my questions are:

  1. How much of Ogre 1.2.0 is currently wrapped by OgreDotNet 1.2.0?
    If there is anything left to wrap, exactly what?
    Can the current OgreDotNet 1.2.0 be readily rebuilt to support Ogre 1.2.3, and what are the issues (and techniques)?
    Is enough missing to justify writing our own swig wrappers?
    Should we find out how to use unmanaged C++ / Ogre 1.2.3 in our C# application?
    Or, having just discovered that Mogre covers Ogre 1.2.3, should we just use Mogre? :wink:[/list:u]

    Any constructive thoughts much appreciated :wink: